The begining

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Stephen's POV
Dear diary,
Today will be a new day. It will be a new day for not only me but my little sister Grace. I am feeling confident that my first day of school will be great especially because I will get to see her maybe even talk to her for the first time, as for Grace she is not looking forward to school at all for two reasons. One being that she doesn't fit in, as she really only has one best friend named Audrey and two, even thought it has been five years since Damon left she misses him more then ever and will never be happy unless he is in her life again.

Grace POV
"Morning Stephen, I said with a yawn as I entered through his bedroom door
Morning G, how was your sleep?" Stephen replied
"Good I guess, I keep having this drea...never mind it's not important." i said quickly .
"Hey! It must be important, especially if it is bothering you so much you can't even tell me, you trust me with everything Grace." Stephen said with a bit of worry in his tone.
"Okay, fine.. It's .. It's about Damon , I keep thinking he is gonna vamp speed into my room, pick me up his his arms, spin me around, and tell me how sorry is is for the last five years he missed of my life." I said choking up at the end of the sentence.
"Listen" , as Stephen grabbed my hands, "I know it's been hard since he left but I know he still thinks about you as much as you think of him and he is so stupid to ever leave our beautiful, little sister.
"Thanks Stephen" ,as I gave him a big hug, "you always know the right thing to say".
"Do I really have to go? Can't I just stay home?"
"No", Stephen said practically pushing me out of his bedroom door , "today is new day."
10 minutes later...
(Still graces POV)
"Can't I just stay with you?", as we pulled up to my elementary school
"No sweetheart", as Stephen gave me a kiss on the forehead goodbye, "it will be okay... Look there's Audrey waiting for you in front of the school, love you".
"Love you too!" I said as I pushed the door to Stephens car closed

I started walking towards Audrey , but looked back to see Stephen drive away. He has been happier then usual lately and I'm not sure why.

"Hey dre", I said with a smile as I went to sit on the bench beside her.
"Hey ace" she laughed back.
We have nicknames for each other that we mad from our own names. Audrey=dre, Grace=ace. I have known Audrey since JK and we have been best friends ever since.
"Ready for our first day of school" I asked with no enthusiasm whatsoever
"No but I am excited that we finally get a new teacher, I heard he used to live here in mystic falls, his name is Alaric". She said
"Here goes nothing dre" I said as we took our first step into the school

Stephens POV
I finally get to school feeling a bit uneasy about Grace but I know she will be okay. I parked my car and walked into the front doors of the high school.
"First, register" I said to my self as I walked through the door which read student services.
"Hello I am here to register to be a student here" I said with confidence
"I need to see paper work, and identification please" the lady said back
I have her a few papers and she looked up at me in confusion.
" I'm sorry but there is not enough inform.." She stopped talking mid-sentence as she looked into my eyes.
"Please check again, I'm sure you have everything you need" I compelled
"Well would you look at that , welcome to our high school Mr.Salvator" she said with I smile
I smiled back and walked out of the room. I started waking to the men's washroom and knocked into someone. At first I wasn't sure who it was but then as soon as she looked up I knew it was "her".
"Sorry" she said with a smile
" It's okay" I replied "is this the men's bathroom?"
"Uh..yes it is my broth...never mind ..umm sorry again" she said
As she tried to move passed me I moved in the same direction, the she moved again and I moved in that direction almost as if we were magnets. I finally gave in and moved to the side for her to move. She smiled and walked away.
Graces POV
I got into class and sat Ina desk right beside Audrey. The bell rang and my horrible day was about to start, or so I thought.
"Hello everyone" said I deeper voiced man who stood at the front of the room writing his name in the chalkboard.
"My name is Alaric Saltzmen , and I am your teacher this year. you may want to pronounced Alaric (eh-laric) , but it's pronounced (ah-laric)" he explained to us.
We didn't do much considering it's the first day and well nobody does anything on the first day. The bell finally rang and school was out. I was just about to walk out with Audrey when Alaric called me to his desk.
"I will be out in a minute ,tell your mom I won't be long" I said as Audrey left the room.
" Hi sir " I said with a shakey voice "did I do something wrong?"
"No not at all. I just thought you should know two things. First your old teacher had a folder with just your name on it , with all your grades and notes about behaviour".
But before I could even try to explain myself he stood up walked over to the garbage can and dropped it in.
"What did u do that for sir?" I said surprised
"Everyone deserves a second chance" he said with a smile " oh and find thing call me Alaric from now on not sir , it makes me feel old haha."
"Okay si...Alaric, thank you" and I walked out of the classroom.

(Still Stephens POV)
I skipped most of my morning classes by compelling my teachers. I couldn't stop think in about her. School was out now and I knew Audrey was giving grace a ride home so I have to see where "she" is going after school. I followed her to a graveyard where she sits and writes in a journal or diary. As I watch her fog starts to appear and she gets up and runs in fear. I follow her and see her tumble down a hill. I have to see if she is okay but will I be able to control myself around her?
"Hey! Are you okay?" I asked as she jumped back startled
"Ya there was fog, then a crow and then.. Haha sorry hi yes I'm okay thank you Elena" she said as she stuck out her hand for me to shake.
"I shook it back and said " hi I'm Stephen, I believe we met this ironing outside of the boys bathroom".
"Oh ya right.umm by I kno this is kinds sudden but do u ant to go to this party tonight? it's by the falls" she said with I smile
I wanted to talk to her more but I couldn't resist the smell of her blood coming from her leg. She must have hurt it when she fell.
"Are you sure your okay? It looks like your bleeding" I said as I could feel my eyes start to get all veiny and teeth come out.
"Oh I'm sure it's nothing" is the last thing I heard her say as I vamp speeded out of there.
Grace POV
"Stephen you home?" I said as I waved good bye to Audrey and into my house.
I heard a familiar voice say "yes, I'm in my room".
I ran up the stairs , dropped my backpack on the floor in Stephens room and jumped onto his bed right beside him.
"How was your day" he asked
" Not as bad as I thought we have a new teacher and he said that I could start fresh in his class, no loose ends" I said confidently
" That's awesome, see I told you it wouldn't be that bad" he replied
" What about you ?" I asked
" Well...since you asked I met a girl" he said as he blushed like crazy
I turned in the stomach and rested my head on my hand.
"Wow that's awesome what's her name ?" I asked
"Her name is Elena and she asked me to go to a party tonight but I don't know if I wanna go, I mean we just met" he said biting his lip
" You have to go I haven't seen you this happy over anything is months and is she is the reason for it then you have to go meet her there" I said
" Hey that's not true I have been very happy here with you" he said sitting up on his bed.
"Yes I know , I am very happy too , but you still need this" I said and he knew I was right. "Now get up and get dressed before you change your mind" I said trying to push his muscular vamp body of of his mattress.
"Okay, okay fine I will go" he said with a smile on his face.

Stephens POV
I finally get to the party and start looking for Elena when I finally see her. I walk over to her and she turns around and jumps.
" I did it again didn't i, sorry" I said apologetically
" No worries, I'm just glad your here, do you wanna go for a walk?" She asked
"Ya that would be nice" I said
We walked up to this bridge overlooking a beautiful view on the top and the party underneath us. We talked and talked when suddenly my eyes started to get all veiny and she noticed I told her I had something in my eye and I will get us more drinks.
When I found her she wanted to stay and keep talking but her drunk brother was wondering out into the bush so she had to go take car of him.
I waited and waited for her to come out until I heard screaming and people telling someone to call 9-1-1. I ran over into the crowd and Elena's ex-boyfriends sister had been bit by the neck.
This could only mean one thing... There is another vampire in town.

Stephens POV
I ran though my front door, and up the stairs with my vamp speed into my bedroom and shut the door. No it can't be him I thought to myself .. It can't be. Then out of nowhere a crow came flying in and as I turned my head back to the window it flew in from I could only stare at the male figure standing before me. He looked up and me and said "hello brother". The man says with a smirk.

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