The revenge

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Damon POV
Hearing his name come out of my brothers mouth made me cringe with anger not only because of what he had done to the one thing that has kept me from switching my humanity off but because I think it was me who he was after. I stood up from beside Graces bed and said to Stephen "stay with her I know how to fix this". And before Stephen could even get a word out I was gone. I was gone to get revenge.

Stephen POV
I knew what Damon had to do especially because of what Klaus had done to Grace, but I am worried that Klaus may have other plans for Damon because of bad business that took place in the 1960s. As I look at Grace I wonder if she is suffering and in pain or just feeling nothing. I decide to test out an ability I have not used ever before so I can talk to her while unconscious. I squeeze her cold, fragile hand, clothes my eyes think of her and boom my beautiful little sister is standing in front of me.

Graces POV
As I wonder around this dark place, no idea where I am, I started to think maybe I am dead or in a witchy trance or something has taken over my body. So I start to run and soon find myself face to face with none other than Stephen. At first I am in shock but then soon realize this is real and wrap my arms tight around his neck, being picked up of the ground in a loving hug.

"Stephen?!.. I don't understand..." I said as he let me down from his arms. "It's okay I know your scared" he replied "don't worry you are not dead your just unconscious I am in your head right now. Do you know what happend?". "No,the last thing I remember is Damon leaving and hearing a sound and then... Him..a..a man.. He..he tried to ..he was trying to..kill me" I said tears rolling down my face. " his name is Klaus, he hurt you to try and get back at Damon for something he did a very long time ago and now Damon is off getting revenge for what happened to you". With all this running through my mind I wanted to wake up and be with my brothers for real but how. "Stephen is there any way you can wake me up ... Or call Bonnie to do a witchy thing.. Please I need to talk to Damon and figure out what really happened back then and tell him I am ok". "Well there is one way but..." Stephen drifted off. "No please tell me... It's okay I can handle it" I said. "Ok...well in order to wake you up you have to feel a powerful emotion like...pain to jolt the adrenaline in your system and wake you up". "So let's do it.. And Stephen do not hesitate... I will only feel in here not when I wake will be like it never happened... Like a dream". "Okay give me your arm". I did as he said and as I looked into his eyes he started to turn into a vampire...his fangs then suddenly bit me in the wrist and I screamed.

Stephen POV

I bit her not the wrist and snapped out of her head, jolting backwards as my eyes flashed open. I then looked at Grace to still see her fragile body lying there. I thought it must not have worked when suddenly ...her eyes popped open and she sat up breathing heavily. I rushed to her quickly calming her down.. And she immediately pulled me into a hug and thanked me.

Graces POV

I am awake now but can't help but remember Stephen biting me. I had heard stories of ripper Stephen before and while he was hitting me I swear I saw a bit of that old Stephen in his eyes. It was probably nothing ... It's fine.. At least I am awake now right? I release Stephen from our hug look into his eyes and say "Damon is not the only one who wants revenge I want some too". Stephen shook his head in agreement and with his vamp speed we were off.

The Salvatore sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora