The Good life or maybe not

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Graces POV
I woke up with the biggest smile on my face after last nights encounter with Damon and I couldn't be more happy to have him back in my life. While thinking this happy thought I smell something delicious from downstairs. I think to myself I must go see what it is, so I throw on cute skinny jeans with my favorite baby blue top with ruffles at the bottom and my white converse shoes. I then brush my long, thick hair until is is shimmering and follow the amazing smell to the kitchen of our historic Salvatore house. Once I get there I find Damon behind the stove adding the finishing touches to his famous waffles that I have missed so much. " here you go little sister" damon says handing me a plate. I look down to the whip cream fangs added underneath the strawberry nose and blueberry eyes. I laugh and thank him for his artistic and yummy waffles. That's what Stephen comes down stairs with the biggest,giddy smile ever. "Hello my two favorite siblings I the world" said Stephen as he kissed me on the cheek. "Why are you in such a good mood" I asked. " well if you must know I have a date with Elena today and I am very exited". Damon and I looked at each other as if to say then why are you still here go see her. I think Stephen can read minds because as soon as we thought that he was out the door. " so what are you up to today " I asked Damon with my mouth covered in syrup and whipped cream. "Well" he said with a laugh because of what was on my face " I thought I might go run some errands, and talk to Bonnie about I spell I heard while away. What about you G?" He said. " I think I might just stay here for a bit I have some reading to catch up on and because it's sunny, the sun shines through the window making the carpet feel all warm and comfy". " okay, well I am pretty sure Stephen will be out all day and night so when I get home we will spend some quality brother sister time togther, and maybe just maybe I can teach you some moves about how to fight off vampires considering your human, sound good?" " yes sounds very good I can't wait. I finished cleaning up my plate with my tongue said goodbye to Damon and headed to my room. The house was now empty... Well at least I thought it was.

CRASH, BANG,BOOM I heard coming from downstairs. I start walking slowing down the creaky steps calling out hello to see if my brothers had retuned for something or it was one of our friends like Alaric, Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler, or Caroline. But nobody responded so I got to the bottom of the stairs and realized that I was being ridiculous. So I started to head back up when I felt a gust of wind, swoosh past me. I knew I was not longer alone and defiantly not crazy. I stepped down the steps again when I felt someone's hands grab onto my from being hind and throw me across the room into out living room. I cried out in pain, thinking from that I must have broken something. I struggled to lift my self up with shakes arms, and the "person" came running towards me again picking me up by the neck this time. I was able to see  a couple features such as it was a Man with blue eyes and blonde hair and the last thing he said to me was "tell Damon to watch his back" before I blacked out.

Damon's POV
I had just left Bonnie's house now and was headed home to spend time with my beatific blue eyes sister. I decided it would be appropriate to speed since I missed her so much and I loved the thrill of it. I got to my front door realizing that is was slightly opened, which was a bit weird, but non the less I stepped inside and started to call out for Grace. There was no response formal, three times I called. I walked forward toward the living room when I saw something that brought all my emotions to surface like anger and worried. I ran to Graces limp body and saw strangle marks on her neck and blood coming from her rib area. I checked to see if she was breathing and soon realized she has blacked out .., probably from the strangling. I look at her with a worried panic in my eyes and face. I picked her up bridal style carry up our stairs into my room. I had to many questions and running through my head , like who did this, why did they do this, should I call Stephen, and lastly who is going to help me find and kill this person who hurt my sister. Damon then sat on the bed beside Grace, when to his surprise Stephen swooshed in and said we have a problem looking at graces condition and realizing the problem had already hurt his little sister. He kneeled down beside the bed holding graces hand and water filling his eyes. Damon looked at him and said " who Stephen" . With a shaky voice Stephen said.............. "KLAUS".

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