wolf's not talking

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kitty: HEY WOLFERS today we are having problems wolfy and hero got in a fight and wolfy is giving hero the silent treatment hes trying to make it up to her but nothing shes even giving every one else the silent treatment well the kids are with notch and steve right now because there on a camping trip 

( heres talking in back ground then yelling then a big CRASH sound and slendy and smexy walks in suporting bleeding hero ) 


slendy/smexy: wolfy 

sally: then never mined 

Electra: ( walks over to hero and exaimens his hole body ( NO PERVERTS HE HAD CLOTH ON ) and checks top of his head with a shock look on face and turns around ) well wolfy did very good dammage ( dont give a fucking care about grammer ) to hero expecily his face she must be very angry with him she never goes this far even with JEB all we need to do is find out why is she so angry?

sally: probaly its just her blood moon acting up ( EXCLAIMER : when a full moon comes around its diffrent with wolfy then hero hero turns passinot and wolfy well not so much ) 

kitty: yea that could be it also she is on her period 

ben: but shes never like that she would be like that to us but HERO thats her husband and lover come ON! 

ty: its fangirls 

kitty: how you know?

ty: i was with wolfy when that happen i was taking her and sky and hero out to get icecream and a bunch of creepypasta fans saw hero and one tried to makeout with him wolfy saw and pulled her off and punchedher in the face and hero said it was ok and wolfy said and i quat " its ok that another girl makes out with my husband " hero just looked away and tried to answer and his answer was this " i geuss its ok " that got wolfy very engry she kicked the girl in the stomach the kicked hero in the ball's then left she hasn't talked since annd its bin like two days hero tried when he got home to say sorry to wolfy but that ended up giving him a broken lip and a black eye.

kitty: i under stand why hero was being a complet idiot and broke wolfys heart her last boyfriend before she married hero befor she even met him the boy that broke her heart she came home to her house and to find her boyfriend having ' IT ' with two other girls wolfy ran out of her house and came to the creepypasta house where ben and jeff and everyone else lived and she lived here ever since and met hero 

ben: im on wolfys side hero you acted like it was ok to let a compleat stranger makeout with you in front of your wife and say to her ' its ok ' 

Electra: well ' nock nock ' ITS NOT OKAY TO DO THAT YOU 

---------------------------CONSURE--------------------------------- MOTHER GLUBING IDIOT 

sally: you boys and your mistake hero WOLFY HAD YOUR KIDS and you are treating wolfy like dirt the hell 

kitty: even though we girls want to keep ranting at hero we dont have anoufe time BYE WOLFERS COMMENT BELOW IF YOU ARE EATHER ON WOLFYS SIDE OR HEROS SIDE AND WHY BYE WOLFERS KITTY OUT

Ask ME WOLFY!!!/  Creepypastas and TC and/ Tay/ Max/ My Friends/ -.- Haley and Sam/ and a bunch MORE!!!!!!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang