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Wolfy: theres a new person joinig use i will put up what she said in the coments about her self

Name: Electra 

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Looks: Neon yellow hair in a shoulder-length side ponytail that spikes out at the ends. Sparkly budder [ sorry sky wont let me say the g word ] color in one eye and blood red in the other. Lightly tanned skin. Black hoodie over a white tank-top. Dark-blue short-shorts. Black boots with mini-heels. White headband. Necklace with silver chain and a Huge bright yellow Gem. Sapphire dangling earrings

History: Her hair used to be brown, but she died it neon yellow. Her head hurts when she brushed her hair, so its in a spiked side ponytail. Her eues are diffrent colors because of a failed experiment that included budder [ AGAIN sorry sky still wont let me say the g word ] and blood.

Powers: Can make electricity if in danger and needs to protect herself [ noch and steve are probaly going to poke you so give them a little shock but not a storm ]. If angered, can creat a thunderstorm anywhere.

crush: Doesn't have one. Yet!

Electra: Hi 

sky: [ narrows eyes at Electra ] you said the g-word twice in the comments 

ty: um.... sky i would not do that if i were you 

sky: no she said the g-word 

wolfy: Electra can you shock some sence into this one [ points at sky ] 

Electra: shure [ walks over to sky and puts pointing finger on his noes and gives him a big voult of electrisaty and skys hair stands up and he blacks out ] done 

Wolfy: thanks BY THE WAY PEOPLE ALMOST ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL MY KIDS ARE DUE hero made noch/steve/ and jeb help him make the baby room so yea THATS ALL WOLFERS SEE YOU LATER WOLFY OUT.

Ask ME WOLFY!!!/  Creepypastas and TC and/ Tay/ Max/ My Friends/ -.- Haley and Sam/ and a bunch MORE!!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now