Arrival to a new Dimension

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Within the vast cosmos of the multiverse lies a plain of existence that only a few 1% of beings have ever witnessed, only only a greater few have ever theorized. The very center of the vast multiverse.

Foundation Prime.

Desolate and secretive. Foundation Prime has only ever been known to be used as base of operations for one singular individual.

Lord Vortech.

A being of unknown origins, he spent his life studying the mystery of the multiverse, and over time his path was warped from not just studying the multiverse, but ruling it as well.

Gathering the foundation elements, the very corner stones of the multiverse, Vortech planned to use them to combine the multiverse into one singular universe, one where he would reign supreme, a universe without chaos, and only his perfection.

But one could not safely harness the power of the foundation elements, and when his plan was set in motion, the universe selves into chaos.

When all hope seemed lost, when it seemed that Vortech had won, a group of unlikely heroes fought together, side by side, and defeated Vortech, vanishing him to an eternal prison where he could never escape.

But there were others ways to leave a prison, though Vortech would find that his would come with a price.

Location: Foundation Prime.

Present day...

All was quite, the waves of Foundation Prime flowing in their usual rhythm

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All was quite, the waves of Foundation Prime flowing in their usual rhythm. It would seem that it would be another usual day for the center of the multiverse.

Or so it would seem...

A bright, blue portal opened up right above the waves of Foundation Prime, and from it stepped out a humanoid being whose body seemed ethereal in nature, stars and galaxies showing throughout his body. He wore a brown, asymmetrical pteruge held up by a brown belt with an ornate golden belt buckle that had a red stone in the center of it. Covering his shoulders and part of his upper chest, he wore an ornate, golden pauldrons connected by a similar colored ornate neck guard, the left pauldron raised higher than the right one. Draping from his back was torn, brown cape that flowed in the wind. His helmet was ornate and golden as well, the design consisting of a grill over his mouth was reminiscent of the upper jaw of a skull with two side tusks that went a little bit lower than the grill, four crests atop his helm could be seen, the outer two more larger than the inner two. His eyes glowing blue through the sockets of his helmet. Within his hand was an ornate black staff with a large ring atop the staff, a portal inside it, two smaller rings connected to the larger one below it.

This was Lord Vortech.

"Hahahaha! Yes! Finally!" Vortech laughed in triumph, his voice having a British accent to it. "Free at last!"

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