Ticking time bomb

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He didn't mean to space out again, it felt like life wasn't on his side these days. When was it ever anyways?

He sighed as he realized that he had probably taken a wrong turn on his way to work.

Asking for quick direction from passerby's, he walked towards the coffee shop. Hoping that today wouldn't be a busy day.

Life can never let him catch a break. Can't it?

He huffed dramatically as he tried to sneak into one of the bathroom stalls. Trying his hardest not to bring the villain's attention towards him.

It was a relatively slow day, he was preparing Shinsou's usual coffee when the front door burst open. A masked villain rushing into the shop and taking the first person he laid his eyes on as a hostage.

It just had to be Shinsou, didn't it? Why was this his life?

Quietly backing away from the counter, he did his best to run into the bathroom and change into his costume. He tried to ignore the pang of guilt he felt at leaving the customers and Shinsou alone with the guy.

He needed to suit up though. Izuku was glad that he always brought it with him. You never know when a psychopath was going to take your friend as a hostage. Right? Yeah, this was totally normal.

Making quick work of changing, he quietly made his way back. Taking a peek around the corner, he assessed the situation before him. The robber had one of his hands over Shinsou's mouth as his other hand held a gun to Shinsou's head.

There goes Shinsou's chance of using his quirk. Izuku thought bitterly.

Sirens could be heard outside. The police were surely chasing the guy when the bastard decided that adding armed hostage-taking to his sentence was rational.

Izuku took his time to scan the guy's figure. The man's posture was stiff, clearly on high alert and desperate. Fighting him now was going to be tricky. A cornered man was a dangerous one. Izuku could probably take the guy out fast, but Shinsou's life was on the line and he wasn't going to rush in without thinking it through.

Izuku swallowed down his anxiety at the thought of his friend's situation.

The guy before him didn't seem to have any physical quirk. If his choice of weapon and lack of mutation was any indication, the guy probably had some kind of mental or passive ability.

His questions were answered when the door of the store seemed to rattle slightly, only to swing open a couple of seconds later. So, some kind of telekinesis?

It seemed like the guy was getting ready to take off, having acquired a hostage all he needed to do was walking out. All izuku needed to do was wait for the right moment and ambush him.

However, Shinsou appeared to have a death wish as he suddenly kicked the guy's knee. The villain howled in pain as he cursed loudly. Panic and anger overriding his features as he aimed the gun at Shinsou.

Izuku could practically feel the moment Shinsou realized his mistake.

Before he could think better of it, his feet were moving. Quickly dashing towards the pair, he tackled the villain to the ground. Not even noticing the sound of the gun as it went off. Too busy pinning the villain down and restraining him to see the look of horror that was etched on Shinsou's face. Not that he could see it anyway.

Getting back up to his feet and admiring his work. The villain was strangely easy to take down. He didn't even realize that he was moving until he was on him.

Yet, he couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something.

"Are-Are you okay?" Came a hesitant yet familiar voice from behind him.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ