Make a difference

Start from the beginning

Izuku learned at a young age that heroes didn't always save the day. They couldn't save everyone, it was so painfully true. His mother's death was living proof of that, after all.

Izuku swore then and there, that he will become a hero that would save the people that were left behind. The people that heroes couldn't get to. He will do it no matter what.


After a few months of training, Izuku mustered up the courage to finally tell his mentor about his plans.

At first, when Izuku brought up his plans of becoming a vigilante, Ryu immediately shut him down. He was a hero, after all, he wasn't going to encourage going against the law.

"Why would you want to do that? It's illegal Midoriya. You'd be no better than a villain!"

"You don't understand... I want to be a hero- I- I need to be a hero. but I can't! I- I just- "

"What do you mean you can't? Of course, you can! You're the smartest and kindest person I know! And with the training we're doing, you'll be ready for whatever the hero course has in store for you! Why do you want to resort to crime! You'll- "His exclaims were cut off by Izuku's shouting. The boy had never risen his voice before.

"IM DYING OKAY! I can't be a hero! I'd be dead by the time I graduate and it will be all for nothing! I- I can't! Can't you see? I need this... WHAT IS THE POINT OF ME SURVIVING, OF MY MOTHER DYING FOR MEIF I CAN'T AMOUNT TO ANYTHING! IF I DIE ANYWAY!" The raw emotion in his student's voice makes his heart clench. He's never seen the boy this broken before.

"W- what do you mean you're dying?" He asks carefully, dread pooling in his guts at the mere thought of this child's life ending.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't tell you before - The doctors said that the chemicals that got into my system the night of the accident are slowly killing me. Destroying my cells one by one. They say I have until my 18thbirthday before my organs shut down for good." Izuku's voice is strangely devoid of emotion as he informs Ryu about his sickness. It's unsettling, to say the least, to see this boy, this child, that he's come to consider as his own. Talk about his own death in such a manner.

Without another word, the man hugged the kid, sorrow and sadness filling his insides as he tried to remain strong for his student.

"Okay." He finally said, voice firm and steady, despite his inner turmoil.

"O-Okay?" The boy asked hesitantly.

"Okay, I'll train you, I'll help you become a vigilante." Ryu clarified, internally promising to stick by the boy no matter what.


His training went on for two years, by then, he could take on relatively anyone in a fight, thanks to his analyses and his fighting abilities.

Ryu trained him with many weapons but one of his favorites was Escrima rods. He learned long ago how to use his blindness to his advantage. He focused all his senses on his opponent. Focusing on every detail he could get. Quickly analyzing their quirk, along with their weaknesses. Even as to predict their movement by the slightest change of posture or demeanor.

On his 12thbirthday, Ryu gifted him a new walking stick. What was so special about that you may ask? That particular walking stick consisted of detachable and reachable Escrima rods, armed with a mechanism that can turn it into a sword if needed and charged with an electrical stun setting.

By now, the beach was long since empty of its trash. Izuku's hands suffered from it but the end result was truly mesmerizing. He could finally smell the ocean on his morning runs, hear the laughter of the children as they played on the sand and feel the easy atmosphere that settled on the beach. It was all worth it.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now