scene 3

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Scene 3.

Our heroes are in a musty, cold prison cell. Both of them are still handcuffed. Alice is knocked out cold while Jackie is trying to wake her.
Jackie, while shaking Alice's shoulders: Alice! Alice! Please wake up!
Alice, stirring and slightly mumbling: Just five more minutes.
Jackie: We don't have time for that!
Alice opens her eyes and lifts her body off the floor. Alice shivers from the cold and her bandages are fully soaked with blood, leaking through her thin white shirt.
Alice: What happened?
Alice looks around and realizes that they are in a cell, handcuffed. Many footsteps sounded through the room. Alice and Jackie stood up and looked through the bars to see groups of armed security guards heading toward their cell. The guards unlock the cell door and yank Jackie and Alice out.
Alice: Hey! Would it hurt you to be more gentle?
Guard #1, snappily: Shut up. I don't do gentle with your kind.
Alice: What's that supposed to mean?
Guard #2: Just get them to the courtyard. Quick! We don't have all day people, move it!
Jackie and Alice walk beside each other towards the direction of the courtyard. The guards occasionally poke them with their batons whenever they walk too slow. After a while, a dim yellow light comes into view. They step into a big room. The judge, a rather old looking blue alien with red curls and many wrinkles on her face, sits at the furthest wall, behind a big wooden stand. On the left of the judge, many different aliens are seated on many rows of a wooden bench, all whispering to each other and following Jackie and Alice with their piercing eyes.
Alice, whispering to herself: Hmm, they must be the jury.
The guards tugged Alice and Jackie towards a small table in front of the judge's desk. The judge bangs a gavel and the room goes silent.
Judge: Alice Lloyd, how do you plead to being guilty of the following offenses: trespassing, breaking and entering, thievery and burglary, manslaughter, assault, arson, bioterrorism, illegal drug smuggling, illegal weapons dealing, vandalism, and tax fraud.
Alice rolls her eyes, then smiles to herself.
Alice: The only thing that I'm guilty of is being awesome, you old hag!
Judge: Try to cooperate, Lloyd, and you might get a reduced sentence.
Alice: Yeah, yeah, fine, whatever. I did all of those things, you happy now?
Judge: Yes, indeed. For your crimes against the galaxy, I hereby sentence you to the death penalty. Your friend, however, can serve 2 years for complicity and 20 hours of community service.
Alice: Hey! What about the reduced sentence?!
Judge: That was merely a lie, you are not liable for one. You are the worst person I have ever seen, you're wicked, vile, and have no emotions. You deserve death.
Alice: Go to hell!
Alice began to thrash around, weaving her way out of the officer's grasp. She breaks her handcuffs and grabs Jackie's arm to make a run for the door. Many of the guards around the court take out their guns and start aiming for the two.
Jackie: Alice, watch out!
Jackie runs in front of Alice as the bullet glided through the air and into her torso.
Alice, shocked: JACKIE!
Jackie falls to the ground in pain as Alice starts to run towards her.
Alice: Why did you do that?
Jackie hesitates to answer for a moment, instead opting to look around the courtyard. Everyone was staring at them, no one moving a muscle.
Jackie: B-because I l-love you! Okay? I didn't want you to get hurt again...
Alice's eyes widened and her eyebrows furrowed.
Alice: Who told you to? I can't believe that you're this dumb to love a psycho like me. I'm a murderer, a killer, I sell drugs for a living on the black market! Do you think I have time for love and feelings? You always complicate things, Jackie. This is what I mean by you always get in the way.
As Alice is talking, Jackie's eyes start to water and she starts to slowly shook her head. Her body trembles as she bleeds out. She could hear her own heart pounding in her ears.
Jackie: Ah-Alice? You're not going to juh-just leave me, are you? We-we're partners, teammates, best friends! We-we've always got each other's backs since day 1...
Alice stands up and starts to back away, then runs out of the courtyard alone. 2 security guards help Jackie off the ground and back to her cell.

End scene 3.

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