The Palatial Anarchy for Canine Love

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"She best not pee on the seat."

"She won't- she's an angel."

"Who most probably isn't toilet trained."

"Shut up and leave her be." Sanya defended, holding the puppy to her chest. "Oh- look at her eyes!"

"They don't call them 'puppy dog eyes' for no reason." He replied, sending her an amused glance. "Lu's going to want one now, I bet. Then Su'll declare favouritism-"

"Then Ed'll want one and the Palace will anarchy!"

The High King rolled his eyes, "A slight exaggeration, but not far off, I'm sure."

"I bet Cair could hold a million dogs."

"I'm sure it could. But it most certainly isn't going to."

"You really are such a spoil sport."

The King shrugged as he pulled back up the drive, "But I did buy you a puppy."

"Yes, but- yes, okay. I'm forever in debt to you."

"I'll remember that." Peter replied with a short laugh, parking the car. "The next time Ed gets insufferable, you'll have to steal him away."

"I'll never refuse to stealing your brother away." She replied with a smirk, reluctantly handing Rheia over as she climbed from the car.

"Have mercy on me and stOP."


"You really should pick up your phone, Sanya, Ed was going out of his mind with worry about you." Lucy called as soon as she heard her sister-in-law's voice through the palace hallways.

"I don't like to talk on the phone." Sanya called back, sure Lucy would just FREAK once she saw the puppy whom she held tightly to her chest and who was letting out small, contented whines. "Anyway, see what Peter got for me!"

The High King looked at her, mildly surprised at her words but he was quite unable to do or say anything as his youngest came into view and she squealed.

"Oooh, a PUPPY, ADORABLE- HE- oh, is it a he or she?"

"She." Sanya smiled, deciding to let the Queen hold her pet. "Her name's Rheia."

"Where were you and who's Rheia?" Asked another voice, giving Peter a heart attack, as its owner slipped out from behind some pillar. "Oh, my- a puppy?"

"It's most certainly not a frog."

Edmund rolled his eyes. "And Peter didn't run away or try to exile you once he saw it?"

"She." His fiancée laughed, before giving his brother a conspiratorial grin. "Pete's the one who got her for me."

"She picked i- her. I just drove her to the shelter."

"You convinced PETER to let you have a puppy!?" Lucy's blue eyes were wide, hardly even noticing Edmund take the pup from her. "How? You MUST tell me how!"

"'All it takes is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust'." Sanya chuckled as she took out her phone and took a picture of Ed and Rheia.

"Even I know that's from Peter Pan." The blond rolled his eyes, but smiled as he said, "Your fiancée is insufferable, Ed, and chock full of quotes."

"It's not like she SPEAKS in quotes, and since when are they a bad thing?" His brother asked, leading them to one of the living rooms where there was a fire and the two runaways could warm up, since it was obvious that they were cold. And the puppy would like heat too, he reckoned.

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