Potter Marathons are Greater than Royal Balls

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"I think you need a bigger bookcase." Lilith observed a moment after entering Sanya's flat, the journalist rolling her eyes.

"You say that as if I wouldn't have realised."

"You might not have." The cook replied, placing two dress bags down on the back of the sofa, along with another bag. "Any ideas how to get ready for a Royal Ball?"

Sanya gave her a blank look, "Do I look like I do? What about you? You work there!"

"I can tie an apron pretty well in 2.5 seconds."

Sanya rolled her eyes once more, "Well, we've 3 hours and endless YouTube tutorials."

Lilith waved her hand, "We'll be fine then! Right, you got a hairbrush?"


"I should've come 2 hours earlier."



"See, we're ready before the car's even here!" Lilith spoke proudly, fixing her earrings in below her loosely curled and up-done hair.

"I'm most definitely going to trip." Sanya grumbled, looking down at her long, mermaid-shaped, gold and silver embellished black dress.

"So pessimistic."

"It's the truth." Sanya replied to her scolding.

"Well, just don't break your neck." Lilith spoke as she watched her friend lock the apartment's door.

"Great advice, thanks."

"Anytime, Sanya. Anytime."


"How are you and Peter doing?" Sanya asked as she leaned back in the back seat of the car, thankful that she hadn't done the fancy updo the redhead had. "Engagement anytime soon?"

"Always sniffing for stories, aren't you?" Lilith laughed before wincing as a jewel encrusted on her light pink dress dug into her skin. "We're doing- very well, actually. Surprising, but we are. He's really quite Magnificent." Her lips quirked up in a tiny smile. "As for an engagement, it's literally been two months."

"Ah, but what does time matter in love?" Sanya asked, sighing in a dramatic way, before noting Lilith tense. "You haven't said I love you?"

"No, I-" She swallowed. "It's been quite- busy."

"Tell him tonight, then." The brunette shrugged candidly before adding hurriedly, "If you want to, I mean. Don't lie."

"I'd avoid lying to him in whatever way I could, so don't worry. Anyway, can I count on YOU not to lie if I ask you something?"

The Pink Panther theme started playing in Sanya's head. "Ask first."

"What's going on with you and Edmund?"

"Uh-" Why hadn't they reached the Palace yet!? Of course, for all she knew, they might have, it was snowing too hard to see. "We're friends, I guess."

"He says acquaintances, you say friends." Her blue eyes narrowed. "I say both are bullshit."

"And I say we've reached, my Ladies." Phillip called from the driver's seat, Sanya inwardly thanking his right-timed interruption.

"Jesus, it's packed." Lilith muttered, noting the crowd as they stepped out the car.

"We should just go back to mine and have a Potter marathon." Sanya suggested as the two stood, looking towards up at the Palace.

"That sounds good... in fact, no! We're shaming our houses! Come on, GRYFF, party only starts when Reza arrives."

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