A Change in Focus

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"We are aware that our family has been rather reclusive since the death of King Frank and Queen Helen-" A loud noise of woe drowned out Peter's voice for a moment "but, as it has always been, the people of our country is the most important thing to us. And it was as such to my delight, when my brother-" Edmund smiled and waved at the crowd and Sanya's eyes became cartoon hearts "announced that they were looking for someone to light up the magnificent-" Was it Sanya's spectacled eyes or did Lilith and Peter share a smile? "Trafalgar Square. I was only too happy to suggest our family be in the running. And so now-" Peter looked back at his siblings and Lilith "together?"

They all beamed at him and held their hands out and placed it on the switch and flicked, lighting up the monument in the Square even brighter than a Christmas Tree, among deafening roars of delight.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity." Susan smiled as she spoke next. "I remember my sister Lucy always wanting to come to this Light Up."

Lucy smiled and continued, "It was one of my dearest wishes and now it's come true! And, oh, look how pretty it is!"

The crowd let out more sounds of agreement- pretty, bright lights and smiling, involved faces was definitely turning the tide for the Pevensies, Sanya thought happily.

"Now we'll be accepting some questions from the press." Edmund said, voice slightly sorry. "Though I'd like to stay and admire the pretty lights, to be quite honest."

The crowd laughed as one as the Pevensies (and Lilith) dismounted from the podium.

"Aren't you going to get an interview?" Frank asked Sanya pointedly. "Ms. Journalist."

"I don't really need to, I have a direct link to them." She had NOT meant to say that. She had NOT meant to say that AT ALL. But well- it was a crowded place. More places to get lost in. "But I'll go, nevertheless."

Amid Frank's confused sputters, she jumped down from the bench, and dove down into the irritating crowd, and searched for the King of England.

"Edmund! Where-" But Susan's questioning hiss fell flat as her brother seemingly spotted something- or someone- and disappeared into the crowd.

"I'm going to kill him." Peter muttered, his words juxtaposing his well-faked smile for the cameras that flashed all around them.

"Murder may not look great for you lot right now. Especially here." Lilith spoke through her suppressed self-consciousness to the blond beside her, who could only spare a second to send her an amused glance.

"Neither will one of us disappearing." Susan replied, much like Peter's, her smile masking the tone she'd have used in any other situation.

"Hush." Lucy told them all. "Just smile!"


"The lights really do look beautiful." Sanya smiled as Edmund finally found her, waiting behind the columns of a large Greek-style building.

The young King absolutely forgot of his dismissal of the spectacle as 'still just lights' and said, "They really are. As much as you, perhaps a bit less."

"Being romantic doesn't suit you." She told him dryly, though the effect was ruined by a flustered smile spreading across her face.

"Excuse you, I make you go weak at the knees and my brooding good looks make it so that being romantic suits me perfectly." He said, mock hurt in his tone.

"Jane Austen would be proud." She rolled her eyes, leaning against a column. "By the way, aren't you supposed to be taking pictures and giving interviews?"

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