'What, she not yours?' he asks confused.

'Octavia's not mine, I mean I raised her but I didn't give birth to her, she's my sister.'

'Oh and your parents?' he ask bewildered.

'My mom left her to me after dad died, she kind of went of the wagon, and you know I can't believe I just told that to a random stranger.' And I can't believe it only my closest friends know.

'So you just looked after her?' he asks again totally bewildered.

'Uhh Yeah she's family' I say awkwardly.

After a couple moment of silence Blake breaks the awkwardness with well more awkwardness 'I had josh when I was 19... .' he says with and incredible sigh like it was hard for him to say it.

'Wow that's young ' I note

'Yeah his mom was 18' he carries on he probably feels comfortable telling his story because I've already told mine.

'Oh my gosh I'm so sorry she died so young.' I say apologetically.

'Uhh the truth is I didn't really know her.' He says awkwardly.

'Oooh' i drag out coming to a realisation.

'Yeah we kind of got drunk and it happened, but I've never regretted having josh.' Wow a random stranger just told me about a hook up turned pregnancy and i actually told him my life story.

'Same with octavi, well you know what I mean.' I say the last part awkwardly

'Yeah they're everything to you' he says as a knowing gleam passes through his eyes. 'Yes they are' I agree wholeheartedly.

'Octavia Olsen' the nurse called

'Come on Octavia we have to see the doctor.' I call out to octavi as she's been too distracted by josh. 'Okay mommy' she chirps walking over to me taking my hand

'It was nice meeting you Blake' i say as we're leaving to see the doctor, 'you too Lyndsey.' Blake replies with a breathtaking smile.

So that's how I met Blake, things were just so easy with him, it was always just like how we first met; we just naturally confided in each other. It was always so easy to talk to him, always has been. The rest of that particular day went by as normal with Blake lingering at the back of my mind; it wasn't until the weekend that Octavia and I had run into Blake again it and started with a promise of a picnic.

'Mommy, can we go to the park pwlees? We cwan have a pwicnic you pwomised!!' Tavia says batting her lashes and giving me her puppy dog face that she knows I can't resist.

'Alright but you've got to give me some time to make the picnic, okay?' I say giving her tummy a tickle, gosh she's so cute I could eat her up.

'Owkay' she says once her laughter has died down and she's breathing normally.

An hour later we were set up at the park when;

'Lyndsey' i heard a deep voice say from behind i turn around and 'Blake!' I say shocked.

'Uhh yeah hey' he say offering me an awkward smile gosh he's handsomer then I remember with a simple white tee and fitted dark jeans.

'Hi' I say smiling at his awkwardness.

'Octavi' josh says appearing from behind Blake.

'Joshy!!' Octavia yells and turns to me 'Mommy can josh and Mr joshy's daddy have a picnic with us' she says pouting.

'No, its okay I'm sure you guys don't want us to' Blake interjects.

'Nonsense, I made extra, now sit' I order giving Blake the eyes that do as i say or face my wrath. 'Alright' they say sitting, hah no one can say no to the eyes.

'So, Lyn you still in school?' Blake asks trying to break the not so awkward silence, 'Yeah, what about you?' I reply, 'Yup I'm in my last year' he says with his signature breathtaking smile.

'Oh I've got a year left' I say pouting. Blake laughs at my expression and throws a carrot at me and it land on my face!!! 'That wasn't nice' I say faking a hurt expression, 'I didn't say I was' he replies with a cocky grin. 'Touché' I reply laughing at out childish antics, 'Was the extra for your boyfriend?' Blake asks after a moment of silence.

'I haven't exactly got time to date. I asked a friend of mine but she had an appointment, she usually loves our picnics.' I say with an awkward chuckle.

'So you're raising her on your own?' he asks, wow always serious questions with him, 'yeah' I reply half-heartedly.

'Wow I know how hard that can be.' He sa ys with a small smile, 'Yeah but I guess I just adjusted' I add.

'Yeah for a while it was hard especially with college, and then I fell into a routine.' 'Same with me.' I say smiling.

'Mommy, can me and josh go play on the swing?' Tavia asks once we've finished eating 'Yes but be careful' I say giving her the look.

'Kay mommy, love you' she says grabbing josh's hand and running off. 'Love you too sweetie, and don't run, you too josh.' I say shouting after them, 'K, Bye daddy' josh says back followed by a 'Be careful' from Blake.

What are your thoughts?? Dont you just think Tavia and joshy are the cutest?? and then Blake sigh he's an absolute sweetheart, you just gotta love him!! What do you think about Lyn??


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