Chapter 26 | A Dark & Dangerous Game

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Temerate • [tem-er-ate]
To break a bond or binding promise.

~ Samuel~

"I was hoping this conversation could've happened at a more private location, Sam."

Liam's blunt disliking of the inner stones of the Wall stretches up its sixty-foot height as he peers at the top of the enormous structure. Warriors can be seen roaming between the parapets, keeping keen eyes on the Ancient Woods lying on the other side. The obvious tension in their bodies, even from this distance, doesn't go unnoticed. They're aware of our visit and are acting accordingly. It doesn't keep me from wondering if they're insubordinate without Liam or I's presence. I'm sure Isaac keeps them in check when neither of us is around, though. But with the alpha and beta roaming around, who wouldn't be on their toes?

Admittedly, I can agree with Liam's disapproval. But this wasn't a discussion to be had at my house with Anastasia nearby. Nor did I have the availability in my schedule this week to squeeze in a moment of peace to talk about this confidentially with him. Even now while I have to check on Border Patrol to make sure their retraining has gone accordingly and also hopefully speak with Isaac about some reassuring news regarding the Mylithian soldiers still trekking through the Ancient Woods.

If it wasn't for Liam's urgent request to talk about the deal I discussed with Sterling over a week ago, I could've arranged our meeting place a bit better—actually been able to fit it between my already crammed schedule and pile of work.

But here we are.

"This is the best you're getting considering I have no free time to discuss this privately." I look over at my beta with a sarcastically sincere expression. "Sorry."

Liam mutters out a clipped prayer to Moon Goddess. "It's fine," he grits. "I wanted to talk with you about the agreement between you and my wife."

"So now you're calling her your wife?" I huff out a laugh. "That's out of character for you."

"We bridged our mating bond nine months ago," he says plainly, eyes focused on a group of trainees jogging past us and toward the base building ingrained into this section of the inner face of the Wall. "I might as well start acting like it."

While this makes sense, in wolf culture, marriage is radically seen as a custom popularized by humans, making a majority of our kind loathe the idea and practice of it. The traditions are commonly rejected, including the titles husband and wife. My view has always been indifferent on the matter, but I rarely give my opinion about any of it because I've yet to find my mate. Most wolves either meet their mates much later in life or just at the cusp of maturity. It always varies.

Liam and Sterling were lucky enough to be born into the same pack and meet one another at such a young age before discovering their bond. Maybe Moon Goddess had purposefully fated them early on knowing the trials their relationship would face—knowing Sterling would have the bad family luck she did and become an adamant wolf because of it.

"Trust me, I'll never forget your ceremony," I retort.

It had been every bit as romantic and adoring as it had also been provocative. The couple chose to commence the binding act publicly instead of privately—the marking. Naturally, alphas, betas, and deltas tend to choose to do it publicly for the sake of authenticity and showing pack strength, but the ritual can sometimes be a bit...much due to its intimacy. Nevertheless, it was only done in front of close family and friends. Sterling wanted a more exclusive ceremony with the longtime rumors regarding her brother. I can only imagine the hell that would've broken loose if someone had started spewing mean comments about Markus in front of the couple during the ceremony—in front of any of the leaders present. Not many were aware of the full details regarding the rogue's situation at the time, but there were still plenty of warriors and pack members who knew Markus, who saw him take a turn for the worse. It just wasn't a risk worth taking. I completely sided with their decision to limit the ceremony guest list to a limit.

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