chapter 6

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I woke up to see yang off since I won't be seeing her for 2 months. I get changed, then go out of the dorm and run down to the front of the school to see yang already there getting out of the truck.

Probably on her way to see me before she leaves. She turns and faces me. I make a sprint and jump into her arms into a hug.

Me: I'm going to miss you yang. I said crying a bit.

Yang: don t worry about it in two months you'll be able to visit the ranch.

Me: I know but still wont matter I'm gonna miss you.

Yang: ok ok rubes chill.

Me: can i also bring Blake when I visit?

Yang: yeah sure more the merrier right.

I nod and I go back to hugging yang tightly like if I let go I'll lose her.

Yang: I have to go rubes and don't you have class?

Me: yeah and Blake will probably be worried where I am.

???: won't have to ruby.

I turn to see blake walking up to us with a book in her hands I could see the name clearly it's called two wolves.

Me: what are you doing here Blake? I said tilting my head a little.

Yang: don't be mean sis. She said that as she slaps the back of my head.

Blake: I was telling you that classes are going to start a little later today and to see yang off as well.

Me: oh uh sorry blake.

Blake: it's fine.

She walks up to my sister and gives her a hug before walking back to me.

Yang: oh Blake can I ask a question since ruby will forget later.

Me: hey!

Blake: *giggles* sure.

Yang: when it's break do you want to come visit the ranch?

Blake: sure it will beat staying here.

I see yang just smile and nod her head in understanding.

Yang: well I gotta go rubes.

Me: noo I don't want you to go.

She just ignores me and just wave at blake before going in her truck before driving away.

I turn to Blake as we head to our first class.

Me: do you like my sister?

Blake: why would ask that?

Me: well you actually smile when she's around. You never do that even around our friends.

Blake: it's because our friends are annoying bunch.

???: not all of us annoying thank you.

I see Nora walk up next to us with pyrrha and Juane behind her.

Pyrrha: but ruby is right Blake you smiled more to yang then I did this whole week.

Blake: can we drop it guys.

She walks off with an annoyed expression on her face.

Juane: do think we pushed her a bit guys?

Me: yeah I'll apologise when I see her later.

~yang p.o.v~

The drive home was quicker then on the way to beacon. I pulled up to the ranch next to wiess car and walked inside and see wiess making herself lunch.

Me: what are you making.

She turns around and beams at me when she sees me and runs and hugs me.

Wiess: just a toasted ham & cheese sandwich.

I nod and sit at the table waiting for wiess to sit down.

Wiess: so what was beacon like?

Me: it was huge it looked like a castle.

Wiess: hahaha and how was ruby?

Me: she's doing fine. I meet her roommate she's a good influence on her and keeping her out of trouble.

Wiess: what's her name?

Me: oh her name is Blake belladonna, she has black hair Amber eyes and just shorter then me.

Wiess: you seem to like her?

Me: well yeah she's awesome and she had the best smile it just lights up a room and is infectious.

I see wiess giving me a smirk I looked at her with a confused face.

Wiess: seems like you have a crush.

Me: I don't have a crush.

Wiess: whatever you say yang whatever you say.

She walks out of the room with a shrug and I get confused on what she means.

Me: what does that mean wiess!?

She doesn't answer so I call out to see if she answers.

Me: wiess what does that mean!?

Wiess: figure it out yourself yang!

I get even more confused on what see means now.


Hi everyone hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Peace out

Her cowgirl ( bumblebee x whiterose) AuWhere stories live. Discover now