chapter 4

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It was about a week later and I was packing my bag to visit ruby at beacon. I was double checking everything because wiess kept nagging me to.

Wiess: are you sure you have everything?

Me: yes I'm sure I have everything I need on this trip.

Wiess: so do you know how long your staying there?

Me: yeah about 3 days.

We walk out the door of the house and walked to bumblebee and opened the back door and put my bags down. Then shut the door and turned to wiess.

Me: you sure your going to be fine?

Wiess: yes yang I'll be fine.

Me: alright but if you need anything call please.

Wiess: alright.

We walked towards each other and embraced each other in a hug before I leave.

Wiess: hey yang.

Me: yeah?

Wiess: drive safe.

Me: I will.

I hope into my truck put the set belt on and started the engine. I drove out on to the road I drive through patch, past the train station towards the highway towards vale.

About halfway down the highway I hit bumper to bumper traffic. It looked pretty heavy it's probably going to take half an hour to move a couple of meters.

Me: might as well put the radio on.

I turned the radio on to my favourite station. The first song that comes on is get off my back by Bryan Adams.

When the song ended I was just past the first sign for vale saying it's another 79k.
The next song that came on was one that remained me of wiess since she was supposed to be a heiress.

I finally came out of that traffic jam now I was back to the right speed which is 110 k/ph. I just past the sign saying that I was 35k away from vale which I was glad since I haven't seen ruby in ages so I missed her a lot.

The last song came on which should be good for the final stretch to beacon.

I was right when the song finished I arrived at beacon. It looks like a castle instead of a school. I drove to the parking lot parked the car and hopped out.

I was getting a lot of stares when I was walking to the building it was kinda creepy if you asked me. Once I entered the building I went to the reception to tell them I was a visitor.

Reception: hi how can I help you?

I looked at the lady who's name is Glynda.

Me: yeah I'm here to visit my sister.

Her cowgirl ( bumblebee x whiterose) AuWhere stories live. Discover now