Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls

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    Kara nervously fumbled with her trademark worn out pencil in her hand. She always kept it with her, it calmed her when she was nervous which is coming in quite handy now.

"What do you think he's going to have us work on next?" Her friend Maggie whispered into her ear as the professor droned on and on at the front of the room. Just the sight of his stuffy suit was making Kara sweat.

  It was pretty routine by now. At the start of every month the professor would change something. Whether it's something as small as the seating arrangement or changing the art subject entirely. Going from sculpting to watercolors. From portrait studies to landscapes.

"I have no idea. I'm kinda nervous, but excited. Mostly nervous"

"Yeah, I can tell. Quit shaking you're gonna start making me nervous" Maggie chastised.

"Sorry" Kara whispered with a sheepish smile. She couldn't help it. She was excited for the new chapter, but she was also nervous. Nervous this new chapter was something she wouldn't do well at. She would fall behind. The class would excel and she'd be the only one struggling. Then he'd drop her from the class. She'd have to switch majors and-

"Woah" Maggie gaped at the entrance as the professor introduced their new.. subject. She was dressed only in a thin white sheet draped around her shoulders down to her calves.

"We will be studying your ability to capture the human body. To capture the life in your still drawings. I want to feel her gaze, to feel as if I can reach in and touch her skin"

"Well I can definitely feel her gaze" Maggie lowly whistled.

"You're dating my sister" Kara scolded, slapping Maggie on the knee.

"Ow! Fine, fine. She's hot though. Right?" Maggie snickered, bumping her shoulder against Kara's.
"Hellloooo??" Kara was silent. Those jades were looking upon her. Studying her as if Kara were the subject. The fumbling of the pencil only increased until-


  The professor stopped mid speech, his glasses hanging at the edge of his elongated nose.

"Well? Aren't you going to fetch your pencil Miss Danvers?"

"Uhm, yeah- no yeah of course" Kara frantically nodded, she knelt on her knees reaching for the pencil that was just a centimeter away from her finger. Just a bit more of a reach and-


  Kara shot a deathly glare over her shoulder to Maggie who could hardly contain her laughter. She was definitely enjoying the embarrassment of a 19 year old woman crawling across the floor of the classroom for her little pencil that just kept rolling away. Rolling, rolling, rolling until for gods sake finally!!

  Just as Kara reached out to grasp the pencil, the fair hand of the goddess beat her to it. Slowly, Kara brought herself to kneel on one knee looking up to a face of beauty accepting her pencil.

"Wow... thank y-"

"Miss Danvers for the love of art, may you please take your seat so I can finish discussing what to expect this month?"

"Sorry" Kara scrambled back to her seat. Her heart was drumming in her ears. The professor's voice faded to a buzz. Haltingly, Kara looked up to see those jades were already seeking her. She felt her face flush as her gaze quickly averted elsewhere.

"Wow, first day and you're already on your knees for her?"

"Shut up, Sawyer"


I got stuck writing this but I'll continue it if you guys like the idea so far
Idk <3

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