Welcome to the Army, Danvers

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   "Welcome to the army, Danvers" A girl with a charming smile, stuck her hand out, later introducing herself as Maggie.

"Thanks" Kara shook her hand,
"How do you-"

"Your sister. I'm supposed to help you get settled in"

"You know her?"

"Uh.. yeah we're.. we're close" Maggie walked ahead. She was a bit on the shorter side and didn't seem like the soldier type. Though, Kara shouldn't be talking.
"So, you know the bunks and all, each separated into different sections. What bunk did you get assigned to again?"


"Shit.. well, let's just hope they switched her off to another bunk"

"Why? W-what happened?" Kara followed along, her clench on the worn duffle bag tightening.

"Nothing, lets just get you to your bunk"


    Finally, they found her bunk after rows of identical looking doors. Maggie placed a hand onto the doorknob giving Kara a last glance, almost pitiful, before twisting it open.

The two let out a sigh of relief.

"Soldier dimples, didn't know it was time for inspection" Maggie groaned internally, whipping around. Maggie rolled her eyes as she sauntered over.

"Sorry to tell you, but the girl you snogged last night isn't here right now, maybe you can stop by for another 'inspection' tomorrow" Lena smirked, seeing Maggie's cheeks flare up.

"I hope you die in a ditch, Luthor"

"I have worse ways in mind for you to go" Kara stood stiff at the tension in the air, but just as quickly as the tension came, it was sucked out as the two broke into playful grins. Well, Lena's was still reserved to a sly smirk, but her eyes twinkled with laughter.

"Kara is-"

"Alex Danvers's sister, new recruit to the army and well known in other groups. I know." Lena swiftly cut her off, her manner suddenly a 'I don't have time for any bullshit' demeanor.
"I heard a lot about you" She firmly grasped Kara's hand.

"Oh.. um, thank you?" Kara writhed slightly under her grip, but held eye contact with her. Even though she was a 100% sure her eyes represented those of a deer caught in headlights.

After a few more agonizing moments of Lena analyzing her with those piercing eyes, she was finally freed from her grasp.

"Well, I'm off, nice meeting you..?" Lena glanced over her shoulder.

"Oh! Kara, Kara Danvers" Kara blushed, between all of it she forgot to even tell her her name.

"Woah woah, Luthor, where are you off to?" Maggie stepped up with a playful smirk on her lips.

"I have to go do something before I return, why?" Lena crossed her arms.

"Is that something.. perhaps, I don't know.. Sam Arias?"

"Okay, I'm going" Lena turned around, escaping the question.

"That's not a no!" Maggie called after her.

"It's not a yes either!" Lena called back over her shoulder.

"Have fun with your girlfriend!" Maggie shouted, making sure all nearby bunkers could hear. She chuckled as Lena's pace picked up. Her assumptions proven right as she followed the path to Sam's bunk.

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