(Y/n): Din!!

*Cara who had heard the explosion helped Din out and got him inside the cantina with the others as well*

Cara: Stay with me, buddy.We're gonna get you out of here

Greef: This is our only way out. Can you clear it?

Cara: Stay with me

*IG-11 sets baby Yoda down on the floor*

IG-11: If you go near this child, I will no choice but to kill you

Greef: I understand. Can you do anything to move the grate?

IG-11: Yes, of course

Greef: Oh, I love IG units

Din: I'm not gonna make it. Go

Cara: Shut up. You just go your bell rung. You'll be fine.

Din: Leave me

*Cara then sees blood on her hand*

Cara: I'm gonna need to take this thing off

Din: No. You leave me. You make sure the child is safe. Here. *He gives Cara a necklace* When you get to the Mandalorian convert, show them that. You them it's from Din Djarin. You them the foundling was in my protection, and they'll help you.

Cara: We can make it

Y/n): Din *walks over to him then kneels down* In so sorry if I wasn't in the way you would've been fine

Din: It's alright (Y/n) and besides it would've still happened to me just leave me (Y/n)..You'll be fine with the others

(Y/n): No! It's not fine..*sheds a tear down her cheek*

Cara: Come on! Let's go!

Din: I'm not gonna make it and you know it

*A fire-trooper with a flamethrower from the outcome lights the place up with fire, I hugged Din*

Din: You protect the child. I can hold them back long enough for you to escape. Let me have a warrior's death.

Cara: I won't leave you

Din: This is the way

The fire-trooper came into the building and then he points his flamethrower towards us, Y/n) hugs Din once more thinking we were goners, baby Yoda used the force to push back the fire and send it straight back to the stormtrooper sending him straight out of the building all burnt then baby Yoda drops to the ground.*

*IG-11 finally get the the sewer vent to open*

Greef: Come on! It's open, let's go!

Din: Go. Go

Greef: We have to move! Now!

Din: Go

(Y/n): I'm not leaving you!

Din: Go now! Please (Y/n) don't make this hard on yourself..

(Y/n): *Cries on Din's chest* I..I love you..

Din: And I love you too..now go!

*(Y/n) got up and went towards IG-11*

IG-11: Escape and protect this child. *Hands baby Yoda to Cara* I will stay here with the Mandalorian.

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