Rescue Mission!

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*Play the song when you get to the fight scenes! (: *

Scout troopers: *Hits baby yoda*

Baby Yoda: *Cries*

(Y/n): Hey! Leave The Kid Alone! *Holds blaster*

Scout trooper #1: What are you gonna do about it! *Points blasters at her*

(Y/n): Oh I'm not gonna do anything about it..but he is!

IG-11: Stop that

Scout trooper #2: Identify yourselves!

IG-11: I am IG-11, I am that child's nurse droid and require that you remand him to me immediately

Scout trooper #2: *Chuckles* Nurse droid? I thought it was a hunter aren't IGs usually hunters?

Scout trooper #1: Yeah, well evidently this one's a nurse...I'm sorry, nurse but you're gonna have get out of here. *He then shoots his blasters nearly missing  IG-11*

IG-11: Are you refusing my request?

Scout trooper #1: No. I'm telling you to get out of here.

*IG-11 grabs the scout trooper's hand twisting it and hears the trooper yell in pain, IG-11 then flips him over then turns to the trooper*

Scout Trooper #2: Hey!

*IG-11 then sticks his fingers into the trooper #2's eyes hitting him back and fourth on the speeder bike, he then heads towards baby Yoda who squealed very happy and starts the speeder bike*

IG-11: That was unpleasant. I'm sorry you had to see that. Miss (Y/n) go to the other speeder bike.

(Y/n): Ok

*Both IG-11 & (Y/n) rode off to find the others*

*IG-11 was getting a call from Din who spoke*

Din; Kuiil?

IG-11: Kuiil has been terminated

Din: What did you do?

IG-11: I am fulfilling my base function.

Din: Which is?

IG-11: To nurse and protect.

*Both me and IG-11 sped up our bikes as we got to the gate, there was more scout troopers, IG-11 shot them as got in it was time to terminate them all so me and IG-11 starting them down one by one , once we were near the others who were trapped, I managed to flip over my bike which hit the stormtroopers causing the bike to explode then IG-11 got off his bike then started shooting more stormtroopers then I too started shooting at the stormtroopers we then were accompanied by Din and Greef and while Cara who was still in the cantina who then got out the machine gun blaster then started blasting knocking some of the stormtroopers to ground dead*

Din: I thought I told you to stay in the ship!

(Y/n): Well that didn't stop me from helping baby Yoda out! And rescuing you guys!

Greef: She's got a point there, Mando!

Din: (Y/n) Behind you!

(Y/n): *flips over next to the stormtrooper then grabs his arm  twisting it then flips him over*

Din: Woah..*Snaps out of it then shoots the same stormtrooper in the head*

*Then Moff Gideon came along shooting at Din, I helped Din out by attacking Moff Gideon who then pushes me towards Din, Moff then pointed his blaster to the ground where there was the power cell of the E-web blaster, Din pushed me out of the way, just then  Moff shoots the power block which then exploded causing Din to collapsed leaving him on the the ground *

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