VIII - The Talk™️

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"Had you never done that before?" Nina asked Loki.

She had managed to convince him to take that bath with her. Loki had used his magic on Nina's wound. It wasn't completely healed, but at least it wasn't still bleeding. He had cleaned all the blood off in the sink before they had settled down in the warm water.

Loki did realise how warm the water still was, but it was only a reminded of how long he managed to last, so he didn't mention it.

Right now, they were both naked sitting in the bathtub. Nina had her back glued to Loki's chest, and he held her tight around the waist.

"Never," Loki admitted. Nina had her hands on his tights, running then up and down, unconsciously teasing him. "Asgardians do tend to keep the tradition to save themselves for marriage."

That hit something. Nina gasped. She turned her upper half around to face him.

"You had never had sex before me?" She asked, eyebrows raised in shock and surprise. Loki blushed and looked down, and that was enough of an answer. "Aww, that's so cute! You're so innocent, so young - "

"I'm at least five hundred years older than you - "

"So pure!" She finished. By now, she had completely turned around in the tub. She was on her knees between his legs. Nina rested her hands on Loki's cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why would I? Look at your reaction," Loki reasoned. He was right.

"Well, for once, I could have done that way back then," she told him. Damn, Loki realised. He had missed a big opportunity, hadn't he? "And there's a bunch of stuff we could have found out about you if I'd know it was your first time." This intrigued him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well there's this human term, BDSM," she spoke hesitsntly. Loki smirked. She was blushing, this was obviously not something she was used to talk about.

"What does that mean?" Loki asked. Nina blushed even more, which made him laugh. "Is it that bad?"

"It's not bad. It's not," she quickly reassured him with a smile. "I'm just... not used to talk about this with anyone." 

"Well, we're taking about it now," Loki said. He crossed his legs in front of him and waited for her to carry on.

"Okay, then," she said softly. "Here we go."

Nina began by explaining what the term meant, and Loki understood why she had been blushing so much. BDSM stood for Bondage, Disciplin, Sadism and Masochism. To be honnest, some of these words Loki would never have associated to the act of making love. But then Nina started to further explain some other terms that made more sense.

"For example, there's the top and the bottom. That one is pretty self-explanatory."

"The one on top and the one on the bottom," Loki guessed. She nodded.

"Doesn't mean the top will always be on top and vice versa," Nina was quick to add. "They might like to switch some times."

"I see," Loki said. To be honest he was quite hooked into her explanations. He was knew to this whole world, and all of this sounded very exciting.

"And there's the dom and the sub; the dominant one and the submissive one," she explained.

"Which one are you?" Loki asked her. Nina smirked at him.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out, mister," she said, and immedistly went back to her explanation. "Those ones are also fairly easy to understand."


"Then there are the ones who like tying people down, and those who like to be tied down. There are those who enjoy pain, and it turns then on. There are those who like watching their partner do things either to themselves or to the other, and those who enjoy actually doing them."

"I enjoyed watching you earlier," Loki admitted  earning another half-smirk form the Time Lady.

"I know you did," she told him, which surprisingly made him blush. He cursed himself. When was he going to stop acting like a teenager going through puberty? These years were far behind him.

"Any other things I should know?" Loki asked her. Nina visibly hesitated, but decided to carry on.

"Well, the last category is... I'm not sure how to explain it, really," she admitted.

"Just try," Loki told her. Nina frowned, trying to find a way to explain it. "Can you show it to me?"

Nina's head suddenly snapped up and her eyes locked themselves on his, her pupils dilated. So this last category concerned her, Loki realised. She bit her lip.

"Probably," she admitted. This sent a wave of heat through Loki' body that settled down on the pit of his stomach. "Some day," she added. "Definetly now in the state I am now, I'm afraid," she said, obviously bummed about it. Loki placed a hand on her cheek and she leaned into it.

"That's alright."

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