III - Loki does an Oopsie

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Thunder rumbled over the beach of Norway. At first, Nina believed Thor was sad and angry for losing his father, but once she saw his hand sparkling with electricity, she understood that his anger was immediately directed at his brother.

"Brother," Loki tried to calm Thor.

"This was your doing," Thor said, his voice dangerous. Thunder shook the air once more before Nina jumped. A portal had suddenly opened next to her, and her high squeak made the brothers turn their attention towards her and then to the portal. They shared a look before walking towards it.

Thunder rumbled and in a lightning strike, Thor had changed his clothes. He was now in his battle gear and cape. Loki also changed his clothes, but his way was subtler. He used magic.

"Get behind us, Nina," Thor told her. Nina had only a pistol and two knives on her, but it was no match to the goddess of death, certainly.

"Gladly," Nina said, walking backwards towards them and away from the portal. She watched from behind Thor's shoulder as a woman walked through the green, glowing portal. It quickly closed itself behind her.

"So he's gone," said the woman's deep, velvety voice. She had pitch-black hair and very light blue eyes. For some reason, she reminded Nina of Loki himself. They had the same stance, the same mockery hidden in their voices. She started to wonder if Thor wasn't the adopted one. "That's a shame. I would have liked to have seen that."

"You must be Hela," Thor spoke up. Nina pulled her knife out of her dark brown leather jacket. She held them so tight in her hands her knuckles turned white. "I'm Thor, son of Odin."

"Really?" Hela asked. "You don't look like him."

"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement," Loki tried to negotiate.

"You sound like him," the woman waved her finger in Loki's general direction. She saw as Loki straightened his back and finally let her eyes fall upon Nina. "Time Lord," the woman realised.

"Crazy lady," was Nina's smart comment. The two boys believed she would kill them all on sight, but to their surprise, the goddess of death smirked.

"I thought I'd already killed every single one of you," Hela told her. "Turns out I get to do one more."

Nina shook with anger for a fraction of a second, before smirking as well. "Turns out that way," she told the woman. She was extremely terrified, and Loki could sense it, but her face showed no fear.

"Maybe later. Kneel," she spoke. Loki cocked his head to the side.

"Beg your pardon?" He asked, incredulously.

A sword appeared from her hand. Hela moved so gracefully that one might not believe her to be such a heartless killer. But hey do say death can be an elegant thing.

"Kneel. Before your queen," she repeated.

"I don't think so," Thor told her, taking a step forward. He threw Mjolnir with a grunt, and it went flying directly towards Hela's head. Except, for everyone's surprise, she held her hand up and caught it. She caught the hammer in mid-air. Not only did she catch it, but she held it in place as Thor tried to pull it back to his hand. "It's not possible," Thor managed to say.

"Darling, you have no idea of what's possible."

Hela closed her hand and crushed the hammer. It exploded with violent lightning, that sent the three of them back a couple of feet, trying their best not to fall on the ground with the explosion.

When they looked back at the woman, she was wearing a black helmet covered in horns.

"Brung us back!" Loki suddenly yelled looking up. He was speaking to Heimdall, Nina thought, which would be a terrible idea. Odin had mentioned that Hela's strength came from Asgard, so it would be a very bad idea to lead her exactly there.

"No!" Thor and Nina yelled at the same time.

Before they knew it, they were being pulled up in the space stream of the Bifrost. Thor yelled at Loki for being an idiot, so he decided to be even more of an idiot.

Loki threw one of his throwing knives at the crazy woman. Obviously, nothing good could ever come from that. The woman grabbed the knife and sent it back up. It hit Nina's shoulder, and it sent her flying off the path of light.

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