Chapter Five

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Silverdust sat up, her optics flitting around nervously until she recognized her surroundings. She took a deep breath, and looked down at her servos. She tried to shift them into a weapon, but they moved a little bit before going back to their original position. She frowned, though she had expected it.

She had lost her t-cog a long time ago, and she knew she wouldn't be able to get it back. She sighed softly, and ran a servo across her face. She didn't know why she had dreamt of the first time she met Wavesmasher, but it reminded her that he did care for her. More than the other Decepticons, at least. She did feel safe with him. Sighing, she looked around the room once more, finally noticing the lithe purple mech that sat at his desk. She spoke softly, alerting the mech to her consciousness.

"Have you gotten any farther on our project?" she asked. Soundwave glanced at her, and shook his helm.

"Lord Megatron is exceptional at keeping track of what happens on this ship", Soundwave murmured. Silverdust looked at him disbelief.

"Isn't that because of you? Most of the time you can see and hear everything that occurs on this ship, and report to Megatron", Silverdust pointed out. Soundwave sighed and looked away.

"I... I have other reasons for going slowly... Megatron noticing is one of them, but I do have others."

Silverdust looked at him unimpressed. He didn't say anything else and she sighed softly. "Alright. I won't push you. I'll go bug Knockout about something or other."

As she moved to exit the room, she paused. "Actually, is Wavesmasher still on board?"

Soundwave paused in whatever he was doing, before nodding. "He is in the energon store room stacking cubes."

Silverdust smiled. "Thanks, Sound. I'm going to go talk to him." With that she exited the room, leaving the supposedly silent mech to himself.

Soundwave put his visor back on, using it to access the ship's cameras as he followed the femme he had grown to care for. He watched as she finally made it to where Wavesmasher was, and as she talked and joked with him. Soundwave knew that she and Wavesmasher would get along, it would just take a matter of time. He saw Wavesmasher lean closer to her, and she didn't push him away. Soundwave felt his spark pang in jealousy.

He groaned softly, annoyed at his emotions. 'Primus, femme, why must you do this to me?'

No answer came to his thoughts and he sighed, taking off his visor. He stared at the desk in front of him, and sighed again. 'I've grown to love Silver... that's why I won't force her to do anything she doesn't want to. That's why I'm helping her escape.'

Soundwave groaned softly as he rested his helm on the desk. 'I want her to be happy... and I know the only way she'll be happy is if she's with Heatwave.'
Silverdust laughed as Wavesmasher told a joke. He leaned closer and while Silverdust felt a small urge to push him away, she didn't. There was something about him... it was familiar... like... she knew him from before she had first met him...

"Silver, I need to tell you something", Wavesmasher murmured. Silverdust didn't bother telling him that only one mech could call her Silver. "Something important."

Silverdust tilted her helm to the side, listening intently. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a sound of his com-link going off. He listened, and sighed softly.

"I'll have to tell you later", he muttered. "Lord Megatron wishes to see me."

Silverdust nods softly, and watches as he disappears. As she watched him leave the room, she noticed the familiar way he walked. It was exactly the same as Heatwave's. He spoke the same way as Heatwave too... and then there was that familiar feeling she got around him. Her optics opened wide as she realized that Wavesmasher acted exactly like Heatwave. Quickly opening up her com-link, she sent him a private message.

"When you get back from doing whatever Megatron wants you to do, meet me at my quarters", she hissed into what seemed thin air. She hurried to her quarters, and saw Soundwave still there, working on something at the desk. His visor was off, and she suspected it had something to do with helping her escape.

"Sound!" she cried out in excitement as soon as the door closed behind her. Soundwave looked up, and smiled at her gently. Silverdust felt a wave of happiness flow through the artificial bond between her and Soundwave, and it caused her to smile as well.

"I think Wavesmasher is Heatwave!" she cried. Soundwave froze, frowning as he thought about it.

"And what makes you say that?" he asked cautiously.

"The way he talks, walks, basically everything he does. It's exactly like Heatwave!"

Soundwave sighed softly. "Perhaps he is Heatwave. But then if he is, who is Nightstriker? Because she said that he was her partner back on Cybertron."

Silverdust frowned. "That doesn't make sense... maybe she's an Auto-"

Soundwave slipped his hand over her mouth, gesturing for her to be quiet. One of his tentacles grabbed his visor, and he looked to the door, just as a knock sounded on it. Silverdust opened it, and saw Wavesmasher standing there, a smirk on his face.

"Hey, Princess. Want to go on a mission with me?" he asked. Silverdust glanced back at Soundwave, who merely stood still. She smiled softly.

"If it is alright with my Sire and Soundwave, then yes, I would love to", Silverdust murmured. She felt Soundwave's presence behind her and nearly flinched when Soundwave wrapped a protective arm around her waist. He had never done that before, and it startled her.

Silverdust glanced back at Soundwave before looking back at Wavesmasher, who's face had taken on a dark and angry look. She looked between the two, getting mixed feelings from the two of them. One was protective (Soundwave) and the other was angry (Wavesmasher).

Silverdust sighed softly. "It appears Soundwave does not want me to leave his side."

Wavesmasher growled softly. "Then why doesn't he come with us?"

Silverdust looked up at Soundwave, who looked down at her, showing her her t-cog on his visor. She understood his message instantly and sighed softly.

"Wavesmasher, me being on a mission would be a bad idea. Not only if it goes wrong and my father decides to use my circlet", she brushes her digits against the side, and her optics darkened. "But I also have no t-cog. I can't defend myself."

"But you can fight hand to hand combat!" Wavesmasher argued. Silverdust glared at him.

"What good is hand to hand combat if the enemy- well, your enemy- has blasters? Besides... the Autobots are my family... I won't fight them..."

Wavesmasher sighed softly. "I understand. I was just hoping I would be able to tell you that important thing on the mission."

Silverdust smiled softly at him. "Sorry, Wavesmasher. Maybe when you get back."

The black mech nodded and turned away. "See you later, Silver. Stay safe."

"You too, Wavesmasher."

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