She looked to Seb again and shook her head in disbelief. Her tone was pointed, but she still kept her voice at a low whisper. "Please, get out."

Sebastian gave her a challenging look and shrugged, conveniently and ironically planting himself on the toilet seat. "Proceed." He added, rolling out an arm.

Bri clicked her tongue against her teeth and clenched her fists.

"The bedroom door is unlocked." She yelled through the bathroom door. "I'm in the bathroom and I'm naked!"

Seb winked at her and mouthed 'I wish," resulting in a dirty, wet rag being chucked at his head.

She heard the door to her bedroom open and the springs on her bed creaked, most likely from Chris plopping down and kicking his legs out.

"What do you need?"

"I know you don't have to work today and since filming is wrapping up pretty soon, I wanted to ask if you wanna help plan a birthday dinner for Seb?" Chris sounded a little excited. "I come home around two, so I figured we could start planning then."

The small gasp behind her made her want to slam her head against the door. Sebastian had crept from his spot across the bathroom to rest his head on Bri's shoulder. 

He had scared her because she was so concentrated on making sure Chris did not know he was even in there with her.

Sebastian's feathery light kisses down her bare shoulder distracted her once again and she leaned back into his grasp.

"Bri? You okay?" The door knob jiggled slightly and Bri almost head butted Sebastian.

She racked her brain for some sort of excuse and cringed as soon as it came out of her mouth. "I have really bad cramps right now. Sorry."

"Okay, ew."

Bri and Seb both rolled their eyes and Bri responded with hopes of forcing Chris out of the house. "Can we talk about this when you get home? I really need to shower."

"I'll pick up some lunch on the way back. Text me what you want from the Grill. Love you, sweetheart!" She could hear Chris' footsteps travel towards the exit of her room.

She stayed silent until she was totally positive that Chris was gone. Bri turned to Sebastian and was already wishing that this day would end. "So, what do you want to do for your birthday?"

He placed a hand to the side of her head and rested his other on her hip. "You really wanna know?"

"I asked, didn't I?"Bri shrugged.

He thought for a second, turned on his heel, walked towards the shower and twisted the knob, then looked back to Bri. "You."

"Guess I was asking for that." Bri waited for him to finally exit the bathroom and locked both doors.

"And for the record: if you were actually having cramps I'd do anything to make you feel better!"





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