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Panic fills the air, so many expectations to live up to. How will I start the year? Two minutes have passed the hour of change. A fresh 365 pages to turn. The pressure to become more then what I am is a burden to bare. I'm excited for the challange but already exhausted. New year new me new reasons to exist. Old wounds, past demons ready and waiting to battle me on my journey to victory. I fought and defeated them in the battle of the decade but not all was won. The hardest war awaits me, the war on the internal.

Tho my army is few, I have warriors in spirit. They look upon me from the heavens to guide me home to peace. They created a fighter, then left this world to watch me find my power. When they see me struggle they come to me in dream to remind me of who I am. The war is not over it has only just begun.

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