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You brought me to this world with hope in your heart, the world that shunned you made you bitter. But you brought me to this world to start a new.

You made me for salvation, but I burdened your ways your free spirit clawing at the box you placed yourself in.

As I grew older I wished for a mum, I'd play by myself in the playground watching other parents to see how they would glow with a pure look of devotion.

When life got hard you would hide with your foil and your dragon, chasing hard until you'd drift off into your dream state. No matter the price, no matter the cost you'd chase him.

When the chasing grew old you needed a fix your veins became your path to freedom, at some point in life you decided your fate, you begged for your pass to the heavens. No longer a willing participant in remaining earthbound.

I watched you day by day wither before my eyes, the smell of decay from your open wounds to much for me to bare. Bedbound and frail at the end this mighty woman, this beauty queen what a cruel twist of fate.

You made me for salvation, and your salvation I was, we made it to the bitter end together. With your icy eyes closed, you had finally found your freedom. I placed my head on your chest like all children do and I held your hand in mine, I realised just then as you drifted away our roles had changed. No longer would I need to save you, from this moment on you'd be my eternal salvation

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