Chapter 2

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(A/n The picture above is what Kylie wore to the concert)
The next day after school, Annabelle and I started getting ready. Since we were at my house, she borrowed my clothes.
"Can i wear your red skinnys?" She asked my putting on a white tank with a British and Irish flag in a heart on it.
"Sure as long as u wear it with the red and blue flannel" I replied putting on my navy blue and red dress.
" ok! She replied jumping to my closet to get the jeans and the flannel
I slipped into my red flats and asked her to zip the back.after we went in the bathroom to do out makeup and hair. I put on a little foundation, tad bit of blush, navy blue eyeshadow, cat eye eyliner, and clear lipgloss. I also slipped in to pearl earrings..
Annabell put on the same except red eyeshadow and only did a flick at the end, she also had her blue and white origami earrings on. I hate when she puts on foundation. 1-cause her skin is perfect. 2- cause it covers her freckles.
I pinned the front of my my dark brown hair in the back with a bow because it was good with my Carmel highlights.
I put Annabells strawberry blonde hair in the halo braid for her.
" your eyes look so awesome" I said referring to her Forrest green eyes.
"They look like someone just ate a salad and there was lettuce in their shit. Yours look like Lou's!"
Now that I think about my eyes do look a bit like his.
" oh be quiet! Your beautiful." I insisted.
She shook her head knowing she can't argue with me.
"I'm gonna get our bags,wait for me in the car. " Annabell  said handing me the keys
"Kk! Are we gonna go to the hotel first? Cause it is really early. They don't go to the stadium until 5:30 !!" I replied getting my phone from the bed.
"I checked twitter and they are already at the stadium. We gotta get good seats, the concert starts at 6:00 and it's 5:00!" She said pushing me out with her into the car.
We put on their newest album, Take me Home, and pretty much practiced the whole time there. When we got there we went straight to the ticket line, seeing all sorts of people. Even a few wild Directionators!!! We arrived at our seat and had a pretty nice view of the stage.
" I'm so excited!!" She squealed, holding her soft pretzel we bought earlier.
My mouth was stuffed from the bite I took from mine, and I made sure to spit everywhere with my response.
" me too"
It didn't take long before their safety message came onto the screen, indicating the concert was about to start.
My pretzel was long forgotten by then.

Sorry this chapter was so short. I just can't wait until the concert happens. If it's ok I'm gonna go right through the concert into the parking lot. Peace out carrots!

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