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Connies POV)
(Very long chapter) (smut next chapter 030)

I lifted my head to find im in a small room all tucked in .I blink once or twice rubbing my eyes,it's still a little blurry but I mange to see that the bathroom light was on and someone was in it.'it couldn't be a gem' i thought as I got up to check who it was once I got close enough I could see him in the reflection it was steven.Was he sleeping in the same bed? Then I heard his voice "hey Connie! He said smiling at me ,"o-oh hi steven how long was I out? I question as he opened the door more so he can see me clearly."a whole day, you kinda started to sleep talk abou-" I interrupted him before he could say something "HOW WAS THE TALK WITH THOSE PEARLS" I yelled and Steven stopped before he could say what I said in my dream." Actually I'm pretty tired from today and those heels hurt my feet plus the outfits it's kinda to tight around The waist" Steven said while yawning as he jumped on the bed,"I'm gonna to take a walk if that's ok my diamond " I mocked the pearls we both shared a laugh and he said it was ok.
And so I wished him a good night and closed the door behind me,but I couldn't help to ponder what they would do to me if I got in the way earlier i helplessly slides down the door 'Steven what are we doing here?some days you will hurt one of us' I thought my hands tightly gripping my hair as I pull on it.I heard what they did.They broadcast the ball and he invited everyone in the universe do they know how dangerous that is "I let out a sigh and got up for the walk,but yet I just stood there looking through the window and looking at Steven. how he was just ok with this...'I don't want to leave him' I thought and just walked back inside .I stood there right next to him as he twisted and turned though the night I watched him as he said random stuff in his dreams or stuff I cannot make out,then he said "c-Connie please don't leave me " tears staring to form I grabbed his hand and reassured that "I'll be right here " then kissed him on the cheek and jumped into bed and cuddled up right next to him.

-back to my gal òwó-
Lost gem POV)
I pulled myself together, as I got up from were I was crying I stormed through this withered place were no life sprouts and hope is lost.When I got to the warp pad i stood  there ,  remembering  how pink stood here once and that emotion bellowed up again,out of anger I yelled " TAKE ME TO GET AN BIO WEAPON" under my feet the warp pad lit up and I was here surrounded by containers full of fresh bio poison,I grinned,as I picked the most deadliest one and started to reprogram it to follow my orders .when I got it working a shimmering light caught my eyes, a Rejuvenator, homeworld destroyed all these or so they told us.I smiled at this chance to ruin everyone's happy life I stretched my hand to grab one no, no, no 5 just incase pinky winky wants to try something.I collected my new toys and headed towards the container full of deadly chemicals " the balls in only 15 hours better be prepared pinky winky " I remarked laughing at my own little sick joke I made to myself .I stretched my hand over the the container to program it to go to earth as I jumped on top of it."Pinky winky, I'm coming to see how you took care of your planet you so badly wanted " I said in a sad voice laughing after words"earth here I come " I said as the container lifted from the ground ,the metal needle going into the container and the three legs going into their sockets.Then in light speed I'm off to earth.

Bismuth POV)
It was warm and sunny day out and gems were in class or out making human friends,peridot and lapis were teaching lost gems that were confused and didn't know what to do without orders and now we're giving them a new chance to chose what they want to do.'We really came so far from were we started and I'm  proud of steven going to homeworld to help the corrupted gems' I thought as I noticed that the wind got a little strong and the sky turned a pink tent,all the gems came out of their classes in awe of this strange thing happening.The clouds separating to reveal a huge injecter with poison in it, my eyes widened " RUN! Get out of here " I yelled and everyone ran in different directions leaving me standing there still looking at it as everyone left lapis and Peridot came out in shock " WHAT THE HECK IS THAT" she yelled and pointed at the injecter " move it's landing on us " I yelled as I grabbed lapis and peridot running out of little home school as we ran the injector slammed its claws into the ground and dig into the crest of the earth.'Who send this ? " I question as I put down the two gems " whoever did it they clearly don't like our school" peridot remarks pointing at the destroyed place I sighed as a shadow jumped off the top of this injector .
"HEY!" This gem yelled we all looked ready for what this gem wanted " is this earth?" She question "uh..yes" lapis response with a confused face looking at me and I just shrugged "perfect" this gem said with a smile on her face as she made a horn with her finger and blew in it and the injector stuck it's stinger into the ground.We gasp as the injector started to pump out the poison that it contained " Hey YOU JUST DESTROYED OUR SCHOOL STEVEN WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS WHEN HE GETS BACK!" Peridot yelled that got the pink gems attention "and who might you be?" The gem question "we're Stevens friends " lapis answers her smile gets bigger as she laughs " guess I'll have to shatter you guy cause I know you gems will want to take MY pinky winky away from me."Pinky winky?" we all repeat quickly she pulled out a weapon my eyes shot open ,she jumped at us I grabbed lapis and peridot pushing them out of the way "GUYS! You got to get out of here I'll stall her go get steven now!" I yelled lapis we shock at this " we wouldn't leave you" she said "GO!" I yelled then peridot grabbed her and they took off  she just giggled at this .This gem opened the weapon and tried to slice though me ,I ducked and made my arm into a hammer "what do you want?" I asked she remarked by saying " I want shatter you it shook me and I paused as she stabbed right though me " heh good luck"

*with lapis and peridot *
Lapis still shocked at what bismuth said and she started to slow down ,peridot slowed down too " come on we need to get to homeworld " she said but lapis didn't listen " we have to go back" lapis burst out tears in her eyes " are you crazy that gem could kill us" peridot yelled pointing her arms back to what that gem rode here on.lapis looked back and sighed " what are we gonna do" lapis ask before peridot could respond something sharp cut right though her lapis's eyes shot opens "run" peridot said quietly then POOF lapis grabbed her gem and made water wings trying to escape to homeworld but a hand caught her foot before she could really leave " going somewhere little birdie?" The gem remarked lapis's eyes went even bigger waving her foot wildly trying to get her foot lose but it was no use.The gem threw lapis to the ground , lapis was groaning and trying to get up but falls back down ,giggles cams behind lapis as she lifts her eyes to see the gem clearly "we don't know where your pinky winky is please don't shatter me" lapis pleaded the gem full out laughed " pinky winky was stolen away from me by all you guys so I will hunt you all down and I will make her mine ALL MINE" was the last thing lapis heard before the sharp pain shot through her by the weapon of the gem as she giggled ever more.Then POOF the gem grabbed all three gemstones and bubbles them then send them back to the garden " now it's your turn PINKY WINKY " the gem laughed

If you see this you read this all the way though and now my hand hurts so probably no updates soon ;-;

What happens now?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang