Chapter 14

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°Y/n's pov°

"Of course," he smirked.

Seven and the Mind Flayer led me up a flight stairs in the industrial sized room. On the second floor was the panel room. We stood on a large platform extending all the way to the gate. I wasn't sure how I hadn't noticed it before from the panel room.

"Is this where I'm supposed to-"

"Yes, but we obviously need to see what we're dealing with here," Seven stated.

"You sound like you've done this before," I chuckled nervously.

"No, this is just protocol for a situation like this."

"Like what?"

"You know... our world folding in on itself, spelling the end for us all."



"Stand here," they grabbed my arm and dragged me to a spot at the end of the metal bridge. "Now, what are your powers?"

Seven tapped a pen on the surface of the notepad they were holding. I told them, and they nodded, writing down what I said as they did so.

"Alright. Demonstrate them, please."

"W- what? Like right here? Right now?"

I turned to the boy who only nodded at me.

"O- okay."

I didn't really like that I was being put on the spot. I had never had to use them on command like this before. I was really nervous and didn't know what to expect of their reaction. I held my hands out to my side and closed my eyes. Moments later, I was levitating myself off the platform. I kept my eyes closed until I figured I was high enough in the air. When I did open them, I realized that I was at least ten feet off the ground.


"Yes, but can we unsee now?"

I rolled my eyes at Seven's sarcasm and closed my eyes again. Concentrating hard enough, I made myself invisible. I lowered down gently and walked toward Seven.

"Happy now?" I remarked, making myself visible again.


"What about your telepathy?" the Mind Flayer questioned.

"Well... I haven't really mastered that one. I can only talk to and sense when demogorgons are nearby."

"Well that only makes sense, you haven't been exposed to humans here," he shook his head.

"What about Will?"

We both turned our attention to Seven.

"What about him?" I snapped unintentionally.

"Have you ever tried to communicate with him?"

My face softened a bit, "Not really, no. I'm not even sure he's alive..."

Retrouvailles ·Will Byers x Reader·Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora