Sigurd - Right to the Heart

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"Ivar you fool, why must you be such a monster!" Sigurd yells, his voice cracking as he looks up at his brother who had walked half the length of the table and was leaning on it for support, watching from a distance.

"I didn't mean to...Sigurd. I was angry...I-I didn't mean to." Ivar whispers as the crowd that had been watching starts to slowly clear, not wanting to watch what was in front of them.

Ivar never had anything against you, in fact he saw you as a close friend

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Ivar never had anything against you, in fact he saw you as a close friend. No matter how much you teased him or argued with him, he never wanted- never intended for this to happen.

"Well you did! You fool, leave before I do the same to you!" Sigurd screams, the tears streaming down his face. A few land on your forehead as he quickly looks back down and pulls your head a little closer to cradle.

"Sigu-" you start and immediately gasp out in pain as you start to feel your eyes flutter shut. You try to move your hand up, successfully thankfully, and you place it on the side of his face, cupping it.

You stare at him with loving eyes, the only think he giving in return being muffled sobs and more tears. "Don't speak, it will be fine, trust your energy." He hushes you before pull you up and essentially hugging you.

"Promise me...promise me you'll go on Sigurd. Cause I'll always be with you....always." You whisper to him as he pulls his head away to look you in the eyes for the last time.

" I won't go on, I can't go on!" He sobs and you give your attempt at a soft smile, coughing up some blood in the process.

"Do it...for me." You breath out before your hand drops from his face and hits the floor, your head slumping to the side as you let out one last finally breath.

Sigurd lets the tears flow now, muttering to himself over and over again as he places a kiss on your nose, keeping you close to him. The lack of warmth coming from your body hurt him, your life disappearing right in from of him and he wasn't able to do anything about it.

 The lack of warmth coming from your body hurt him, your life disappearing right in from of him and he wasn't able to do anything about it

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As Sigurd holds you, crying harder then he ever had before, you were witnessing everything again. Your death, the moments before and the days and years that came before that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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