03: Boom, You're Dead

Começar do início

Sometimes, I took Lloyd down here to try and attempt to help him improve his physical ability for spy work.

As I walked in, their eyes stayed focused on Ace who was speaking about the importance of watching your opponent. They know better than to become distracted from the task at hand.

I stood to the side. Watching Ace entice the kids into what he was saying. Up until he called out to me.

"Commander Prescott, how about we show these A.I.Ts how it's done?" He grinned at me.

I smirked back, "I couldn't think of a better idea."

Together we stood a couple of feet apart on the elevated mat. It was like a boxing ring without the ropes around the sides.

The students surrounded the edges of the fighting square where they watched excitedly, whispering about who they thought was gonna win.

Me, obviously.

"Careful now Ace," I taunted to try and get into his head, "We don't want to hurt that fragile ego of yours."

"Another way of defeating your enemy is what Commander Prescott has given an example of," His eyes follow my movements as he explains to the others, "Taunting, an easy way of psyching out your opposer."

By now, we were circling each other, our arms raised in the usual defence positions whilst bouncing back and forth so that it's easy to dodge any attacks.

The moment Ace's eyes flicker down to my feet to see where I would move next, I went straight for a jab to his throat.

"That," He coughed and spluttered, "was a charming example of why it's good to watch your opponent."

"You might wanna focus on what she's doing rather than what she's saying," One of the students suggested cheekily.

Ace snarled at the student.

Using that as another opportunity, I swing my fist to right hook his face but this time he was ready. He grabbed my fist, ducked under my arm and twisted it behind my back.

I hissed at the pain and hunched over in response. In my new position, Ace brought his knee up and slammed it repeatedly into my stomach.

Frustrated, I hooked my elbow on the underside of his knee as he came up to hit me again and pulled it forward. He lost his balance and fell forward whilst letting go of his grip on my arm.

I span around quickly, kneeled over his torso and placed my forearm over his throat.

"Boom, you're dead," I grinned mischievously as I drew a line across his neck with my thumb.

The agent initiates praised me on my victory while I helped Ace stand up.

Ace coughed, "Anyone who says I didn't win against her will be made to do 100 burpees."

The praise from the students did not sway to his side though, the threat going over their heads. Just like how I coached them not to give into enemy threats.

"I taught them well." I proud smile stretched over my face.

"Yeah whatever," Ace grumbled, "Now each of you find a partner and find a space on the mats, you're going to spar each other using your new found knowledge."

For the next few hours, I wondered and studied each pair, giving them tips on their attacks or telling them techniques on defence. After finishing up on combat, I instructed them on the different types of firearms that could be used on missions.

"Nice job today guys," I waved them out, "Keep up the good work for tomorrow."

As the last A.I.T left the training centre, I turned and faced Ace who was standing there with his arms crossed and a glare on his face.

Loving The President's SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora