They enter the school building and they part ways to find their lockers.

"I'll see you later, Care." She gives her a fleeting smile and headed in the direction of her locker. When she turned the corner, another blonde immediately caught her attention. "Crap." She muttered.

"Eli!" Rebekah walked at a fast pace in her direction with a bright smile and a stack of green papers in her hand. Right as she approached Elizandra, she handed her one of the papers. "I'd like you to be the first invitee to my Anti-Curfew Party at my new house — "

"New house?"

Rebekah's grin fell, "Yes. New house. My house. No more pestering siblings ... Anyways! I would love for you to come." She proceeds handing out flyers as she walks past Elizandra. Elizandra looked down at the green paper and rolls her eyes; continuing to her first class.

Klaus really did leave, she supposed.

☾ ✶ ☽

    Elizandra is back home after ditching her last two classes. She was currently lying on her back, reading for her English class while 'Lorde' blasted through her speakers.

Caroline bursts through her bedroom and huffs at the sight of Elizandra lying in bed.

"Didn't you hear me at the front door?" Caroline yells over the music. Elizandra continues staring up at her book.

"I did. But, I'm reading, Care, and you're disrupting."

Caroline stomps over to the speaker and pauses the music, "How can you read and listen to music at the same time?"

Elizandra rolls over on her stomach and sets the book aside; staring up at Caroline innocently. "What's up, Care?"

"Why aren't you dressed?"

"For?" She then groans in realization, "Tell me we're not actually going to Rebekah's ditching party."

"Ew — no. Elizandra, I texted you hours ago. You're coming with me to see Tyler since I know you have nothing else to do." Caroline huffs and puts all her weight on one hip. Elizandra scrunches her nose.

"I usually turn off my phone off when I'm doing homework." She gets off her bed and walks over to her dresser where her phone was set and charging.

"Well, get dressed. I'll drive."

"Why do I have to go? I hate being third wheel."

"I'm getting you out of the house, come onnnnn!" Caroline persisted.

"Okay, okay! I'll change right now." Elizadnra walks over to her closet and mutters to herself, "I was so damn comfortable in my pj's."

Caroline swipes a pillow off her bed and throws it at Elizandra's head.

☾ ✶ ☽

    Caroline parks into the driveway and turns the ignition off. She was grinning from ear to ear; happy to be able to finally see Tyler. The love radiating off her was making Elizandra figuratively sick. Though, she'll admit seeing Caroline so happy and in love made her happy in return.

The two girls walked up to the front door and she rang the doorbell. Not too long after, Tyler opens the door and his eyes widen. Caroline giggles and throws her arms around him. Elizandra simply nods a 'sup' to Tyler and lets herself inside. She takes off her sunglasses and looks at the three strange men standing from a distance.

"Uh, Tyler?" Elizandra furrows her brows and looks at the men distastefully.

Caroline notices them too and looks at Tyler, uneasy. "What's with all the testosterone?"

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆»𝐊.𝐌.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora