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    Brady stomped over to his collection of alcohol and poured himself a glass. Elizandra watched him from the doorway; leaning against the frame. He set the glass pitcher down with a loud thud. His back was to her and he lowly growled,"What the hell happened?"

Elizandra took in a deep breath,"I had Klaus alone. We could have killed him. I didn't know Kol was following — "

"You weren't supposed to interfere!" His voice almost shook the entire room. Elizandra shut up. She didn't say another word, and expected Brady to continue but he didn't.

Brady's silence was much more terrifying than him actually speaking. Elizandra waited cautiously at a safe distance. Then, Brady threw his glass across the room. It shattered to pieces coming in contact with the wall.

Their doorbell rang. Brady and Elizandra share a stern look. Elizandra pushed herself off the frame and heads to the door. She wasn't expecting anyone at their house so she was surprised to see the Salvatore brothers and Caroline at her front step.

"Hey, mystery girl. Your local blood-sucking demons here." Damon leans against the pillar on her porch. Elizandra put all her weight on her left leg and crossed her arms.

"How'd you know where I live?"

"My mom's the sheriff." Caroline confesses. She was different now. She wasn't giving off a welcoming aura anymore, but instead a defensive one.

"What do you want?" Elizandra asks sternly.

"Same thing you want," Stefan stuck his hands in the front pockets, "Klaus dead."

"And the family!" Damon chimed.

At this moment, Brady appears next to Elizandra.

"Oo, it's the Big Bad Wolf." Damon teased and pushed himself off the pillar.

"Damon, enough with the commentary." Caroline groaned. She looks back at Brady and Elizandra, "I saw you and Klaus heading out and I wanted to make sure you were safe so I followed and ... "

"You saw." Brady finished her sentence and she nodded shyly.

"What ... what are you?" Caroline almost didn't want to ask but the question was itching to be answered and after telling the Salvatore Brothers about what she saw, they too were curious.

"Direwolves." Brady simply answers. Damon's lips slightly parted and his eyes averted as the wheels in his head turned. Stefan simply blinked but Brady and Elizandra could see the million questions beginning to form in his head.

Caroline, on the other hand, was completely lost. "What the hell is that?" Her arms flung sideways.

"What're you guys even doing here?" Elizandra questioned before they could ask anything else about their supernatural-self.

"We thought, maybe we can form some kind of an alliance ... to kill Klaus." Stefan was serious about this but his brother on the other hand don't seem to agree with any of this.

"And the family!" Damon repeats.

Stefan sighs at his brother's unnecessary input, "And the family."

Elizandra cocks her head, "Sorry, we don't associate ourselves with vampires; we only kill them."

"And we don't associate ourselves with Direwolves!" Damon simply put, and made a mocking gesture with his arms. He received looks from Caroline and his brother.

"That's because we've never met one." Caroline retorted. Damon puckered his lips.

"Okay." Brady agreed to Stefan's negotiation, catching them all by surprise.

"O - okay? Like you'll help us?" Caroline perked up; glancing from the Salvatore Brothers to Brady and Elizandra.

"What?!" Elizandra looked at Brady in disbelief, "Uncle, they're vampires." She said the word vampires with such distaste it almost made Caroline flinch.

"And right now we've got a common enemy. Because of you, they know what we are. We get the job done and we leave, never having to step in Mystic Falls again. We're in." Brady spoke fast and stepped outside, extending his hand out to Stefan. Which, Stefan shook firmly.

"You want to work with the species that murdered my parents and half our bloodline and packs?" Tears pricked at her eyes but they were from anger. She stood tall with her arms crossed, glaring at her uncle, "Great, Brady." She spat before heading into the house.

Damon's mouth formed an 'o'. Caroline shamefully looked away from her, and Stefan felt guilty but he knew this alliance was necessary.

"I can get her on board. But do me a favor, never come back to my house without letting me know next time." Brady was taller and was more built than Stefan so he came off very intimidating. With Caroline knowing how his wolf side looked, she wouldn't lie and say she was in the slightest afraid of him. Damon, of course, would give it a shot and duel if he had to. Or, maybe just for fun. Maybe Ripper Stefan would take the chance as well. But right now, it was just Stefan.

"Understood." Stefan replies. Brady glances at the three vampires one last time before heading into his house.

This was a short chapter but think of it as a filler :)!!
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