What's Wrong?

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I couldn't talk. All I could do was run. I couldn't stop crying. When I got home I didn't pay attention to anyone. Dad had anger in his voice. I didn't see anyone but Li. So I ran to him and hid my face. I want Ashton to be ok.

"Louis?" I heard Baba say with no sign of anger at all.

I felt Li sit us down. Someone sat on the other side of me. Right now I'm holding back tears. I don't want them to worry. Liam will because he has to know. A sob almost came out of my mouth. I'm not good at holding in tears. All I want is to let it all out. But I couldn't. Not here at least. Dad is mad, I can't answer him. I can't speak. I can't look anyone in the eyes right now.

"Lou, come here." It was Baba's voice. So he was the one who sat next to me.

Liam took his arm off my back and I went straight to Baba. He rubbed my back softly.

"What's wrong?"

I still couldn't talk, so I just shook my head.

"Lou?" he asked, worry in his voice.

I shook my head again, allowing the tears to come out. As soon as I did, though, a sob came out. Then the tears just flowed. I still couldn't say a single word. The more I tried, the more tears came instead.

"Shh. It's ok, baby. It's ok," I heard Dad's voice say, in a soothing tone.

Baba was still rubbing my back. Dad sat down where Li used to be and hugged me. Wait. When did Li go? Where did he go?

"Lou, baby, you need to breathe. Breathe, baby."

I didn't even know I wasn't breathing. What was breathing anymore? I couldn't breathe.

"Louis, you need to breathe." Dad sounded worried now.

I couldn't. I shook my head. I tried to breathe, but I forgot how.

"It's ok. Breathe in..."

When I could finally breathe in, I did.

"That's it. Now breathe out...."

I breathed out. My breathing was a little shaky at first, but then I didn't even try after a minute. I gave up after I remembered Ashton. I burst in tears again.

"Shh. Calm down. It's ok. Shh," Baba said, rubbing my back. "You have to breathe baby. Ok?"

I nodded, taking a shaky breath. All I wanted was Ash to be ok. I can't stop crying.


After Lou was crying in Baba's arms, I went up to my room. I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with him. He just started crying. I went downstairs a little while later to see Louis was sleeping, but not in Baba's arms. He was in Dad's arms. Lou's checks were tear-stained, his eyes red and puffy.

"Where's Baba?"

"He went out of the room. Your brother's phone started ringing."

"Oh ok."

"Is it ok if I go to a friend's house tonight?"

"It's a little late right now and you have school tomorrow."

"Ok. Did you find out why Lou was crying?"

"Not yet. He fell asleep a couple of minutes ago."


I sat down on th couch and waited for Baba. When he came back in the room, he asked me who Michael was. When I said I had no idea, he looked at Lou, who was still sleeping. He looked at Dad, who looked up at him and nodded.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing to hurt him. I promise," Dad told me.

I nodded. Something didn't seem right.


He moved a little in Dad's arms.

"Louis, baby, you need to get up. We have a question, ok?"


"Louis. You need to get up for a minute. We just have a question," it was clear that Baba is gettin mad now.

He opened his eyes a little, but sat up when he saw his phone in Baba's hand.

"Thank you."

"Hmh." I've never seen Louis more tired in my life. And that is saying something.

"Who is Michael?"

Louis looked up from his gaze on his lap. "W-what?"

"Do you know anyone named Michael?"

"Can... Can I have my phone?"

"After you tell me an answer," Dad told him, sternly.

I'm honestly confused. Louis is pale and won't give Dad an answer. Does he know a Michael?

His eyes had tears forming in them, "P-please?"

"We need an answer first."

Louis looked up at me, tears now in his eyes. He looked at our fathers but didn't say anything. Instead, he got up and ran to his room. I heard the door shut and nothing else. Dad and Baba exchanged confused looks. I, on the other hand, went upstairs with Louis' phone in my hand. Baba had set it down and sat on the couch.


I ran up to my room. Ashton. That was all that went through my mind. I couldn't hold in the tears, so I shut the door and cried. That's all I could do. I heard a knock on my door a few minutes after I shut it. I heard it open slightly.

"Lou, it's Liam."

I heard him walk over and felt the bed move a little bit. "Come here Lou."

I shook my head, still crying. The bed moved a little more and an arm wrapped around me.

Next thing I knew, I was pulled against Liam. I turned to him, my face burried in his chest. His arm did not move while I did this. He rubbed his hand on my back. It helped me calm down a little bit. Nevermind, it helped a lot. My breathing was uneven, but I was stop able to breathe. After a couple minutes, we were just laying there. My eyes were getting really droopy and I could barely keep them open. I could always go to Liam. I knew that. But I am not too sure of how he will react to this.

"What's wrong?"

"Ash," I whispered.

"Wh-Shh. Please don't start crying. Let's go to sleep and talk about it later, ok?"

I nodded, tiredly, "Ok."

That was when I went to sleep. All I remembered was our conversation and Liam comforting me.

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