What Happened to Ashton?

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All I know now is I need to know what happened to Ashton. But it is Sunday night, so it's gonna be a long day at school tomorrow. I allowed my eyes close slowly, which led me to sleep until the next morning.

Bdting. Bdting. Bdting.

I woke up to my phone going off. I turned to turn it off an-


Ok, this isn't my bedroom. Then I remembered last night. I looked at Louis who was still sleeping and turned off my alarm.

I gently shook Louis. "Lou." He rolled over so he was no longer facing me. "C'mon you need to get up. We have school today," I whispered.

He then tried to move farther away from me but fell on the bed.


"You ok?" I asked, worried.


"You wouldn't get up."


I helped him up and his face looks like he just hit a realization.



"I need to tell you something....... About last night," he said softly and quietly.

I nodded. "You can tell me anything."

He nodded and took a deep breathe. "I think I might need to explain why I was crying."

I nodded again for him to continue. One to which he had done.

"I went for a walk, but it wasn't one like I normally take. This time I found the kid that Ash always hangs out with... So I found out his name was Michael and that was when I saw Ashton.... It was hard to notice it was him at first, but when I noticed, I ran up to him." He took a deep breath. "When I got over there, I don't know, I think I felt a mixture of emotions. Part of me was terrified, another was worried for him, but I knew over all that I wanted to know what happened. He was hurt really badly and I couldn't help but wonder why he was laying there with nobody helping him." Louis paused for me to process everything he said. By now he had tears in his eyes. "He was hurt Li. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help him so bad, but I didn't know what to do."

I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. Tears had gotten my shirt wet, but I didn't care. I had tears in my eyes now. Why Ashton? That's all I could think.


I had told Liam about what happened, but then fell asleep again when I needed to get ready for school. The sleep didn't last long though, as I had been woken up by Dad.

"Hey guys, you need to wake up. It's Monday."

I felt Liam move. Then my bed felt empty. He climbed out.

"Dad, I need to tell you something."

"Ok Liam. I'd be glad to hear it.

They didn't know I was awake, so Li continued. "Um... I, uh, I have a boyfriend."

I heard silence, so I knew something was wrong.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. It's just that I didn't know I could get pregnant at the time and when I found out I could, I guess I just got scared to tell you. I-"

"Liam," Dad interrupted, "I don't care if you have a boyfriend. It's fine, but does he know?"

"Uhm... No. I was gonna tell him today though."

You Make Me StrongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora