Last Day

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Sorry for the very long break but I'm back :D

Midoriya's POV

It's been about 2 hours and for the first hour I was practically sobbing which was pretty embarrassing since I was crying right in front of Recovery Girl. I had explained to her and who did it which was obviously Todoroki. She was shocked at the fact that he would do such a wicked and cruel thing.

"Okay, so Bakugo might be facing difficulties in walking and breathing due to Todoroki's very abusive actions in some areas of his body. Also he most likely won't speak too well so try and make him not speak."
"He might also lose his memories but that is a 20% chance he would. His body seems awfully to thin so I advise you to have him eat a good amount of food when he wakes up." Recovery Girl concluded
"A-alright" I responded with a croaky voice from crying
She then left for some apparent reason. I looked down at Kacchan, I caressed his fragile and rawboned face. I slowly moved my hand to his lips. Without hesitation I bent my head down and sat my lips on his. It was soft just like before. After a few seconds I parted my lips from his and left.

I heard police sirens outside and decided to check out what happened. When I did I saw Todoroki getting handcuffed. He was mumbling something until he noticed me.
"MIDORIYA!" He yelled
"What do you want?! To apologize?! Too late for that!" I say walking towards him
"Don't tell me you like Bakugo, he's ignorant, and irrational! Anyway, can't you tell?! We have a connection, me and you! We were meant to be together not you and that filthy Bakugo." He explained
I was fed up with him and used 2% of my one for all, since I still don't have full control over my quirk yet, and punched him. I think I might've used more than 2% but who gives a damn? He definitely deserved it! After that, I left.

Bakugo's POV

H-huh? Where am I? Ahh everything hurts. I try to gasp for air but for some reason I can't?! I try to slightly turn my head and look for anything. I saw an inhaler laying beside me. I grab it without hesitation and use it. Relief washed over me as I could slightly breathe better. I try to lift myself off the bed but the sourness from my won't let me. I hear someone run towards the room I was in. My heart pace quickened.
"Kacchan, you're awake!" Someone yelled enthusiastically which sounded like Deku
I looked up at the person and it was Deku. What's he doing here?
"W-what are yo-u doing he-re" I managed to say
My throat was awfully sore and dry. Well my whole body was sore.
"Wh-y am I here?!" My voice cracked
"Kacchan don't speak, alright? It'll only make your voice and throat worse." He warned
I slowly nodded my head confused why I was like this?
"Oh um do you remember what happened? Y'know with T-Todoroki?" He wondered
I tilted my head slightly, what did he mean? Wait! D-did he have se-sex with Icy Hot?! And was I there?! I'm really confused.. I shook my head as in me saying no.
"O-oh well you were trapped i-in Todoroki's room and he did so-some stuff to you. I mean he u-um hurt you, a lot.." Deku brought the volume of his voice down to a quite whisper
Hurt me..? What's he talking about? Was it that day when Half n Half beat me in the bathroom?
"Do you mean that day in the bathroom?" I asked
"No uh I-I'll just tell you the whole s-story if you don't mind"
"Go ahead"

• • •

After Deku tells me about the incident I was in, I was left in shock. My eyebrows scrunched, squinting my eyes trying to to cry.
"I-it's all coming back to me.." I whisper to myself
I have a flashback of Todoroki hurting me
You deserved it
"Huh?" I say quitely
Kirishima only saved you because he felt bad, he doesn't really care about you
"N-no! Who are you?! Get away from me!!" I say louder
Look at all the marks and bruises on you know it's hideous
"Shut up" I beg
"Shut up"
"SHUT UP" I cry
I cover my ears with my hands trying to make the voice stop
"Kacchan are you okay?! What's wrong?!"
"What do you m-mean whats wrong?! Can't you hear it??"
The person's voice kept constantly abusing me with negative words which I can't deny it's all true but I just can't handle it.
"H-hear what? Kacchan let me get Recovery Girl! I'll be right back, d-don't go anywhere and take deep breaths!"

Midoriya's POV

I don't know what's going on but it's clearly not good. I run out of the nurse's office to look for Recovery Girl. I don't wanna leave Kacchan but I'm really worried.

• • •

It's been 30 minutes, where the hell is she?! As I'm running past class 1A I spot Aizawa.
"Aizawa!" I yell out
"Hm, what is it Midoriya ?" He responds
"Do.. do you know where Recovery Girl is? She s-said she'll be back but it's been about ha-half an hour!"
"She's on her break so she went home why?" He questioned
"We-well Kacchan is a-acting a bit weird! I don't know wh-what's happening but p-please come!!" I begged
He nodded and we quickly head to Recovery Girl's office. As I enter I see Kacchan with face stained with tears and his completely lifeless with foam pouring out of his mouth.. what? Besides him was a bottle of pills but almost empty!
"Di-did he? The pills..? N-NO HE!" I yell out chocking out a sob

No One's POV

Aizawa's eyes widened. Unable to comprehend what he's witnessing. He ran over to him picking his fragile body.
"CALL 911 NOW!" He demanded
Midoriya nodded still crying uncontrollably. He took out his phone and dialed 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
Midoriya then told them the location they were at. Pacing back and forth unable to breathe correctly. Aizawa checks Bakugo's pulse hoping he was still alive. Thankfully he was but barely as his heart was beating very slowly.

They heard the sirens and quickly went outside as the hospital bed was being pulled out of the ambulance. The men grabbed Bakugo and buckled him in the bed and placed a nebulizer mask on his face. They brought him in the back of the ambulance. Midoriya and Aizawa went in with them.

At the hospital

Mitsuki and Masaru rushed into the hospital running towards the Midoriya and Aizawa, both crying.
Masaru walks over to Mitsuki and rubs her back while silently crying.
"WHERE IS HE?!" She yells out
"We aren't aloud to enter the room right now.." Aizawa responds

1 hour later

Doctor Tamashiro comes out of the room pulling down his mask.
"So, I have good news and bad news.." Doctor Tamashiro says
"W-what's the good news..?" Midoriya asks
"Good news is, Bakugo is still alive"
Everyone sighs of relief
"Bad news is, Bakugo is currently in a coma.."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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