8 Days

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"Kacchan! Are you okay?!"

Midoriya's POV

Kacchan's knees were bent and he could barley stand. What happened?!
"Deku..?" Kacchan said in a quiet voice
Then he suddenly collapsed but before he hit the ground I rushed and held him up.
I kept saying his name but he didn't do anything. I look at him and it seems like he had passed out. I decided to take him to my dorm room since I don't have the key to his dorm. I got inside and placed him carefully on my bed eager to not disturb him. Once I placed him down I took a moment to look at has face, he was pale and he looked thinner than usual. Has he always been this thin?  I went out to go to a convince store and bought a few things for him to eat since I didn't know how to cook food. Last time I cooked I almost burnt my mom's house down. When I got back into the dorm I started hearing muffled crying in the room. 'Kacchan?' I thought. I placed the stuff down and noticed Kacchan sitting down and holding his knees in the corner of the room. I quickly ran over to him.
"K-Kacchan what's wrong?! Why're you crying?! What happened?!" I asked
"Shut *sniff* up stupid nerd"
I couldn't stand Kacchan crying so I was gonna give him a hug. I hesitated at first but I pulled him into my arms and started to rub his back. He began to cry even more.
"Shh, it's fine" I said trying to comfort him
To be honest I don't really know what's wrong but all I care about is comforting Kacchan. After 20 minutes Kacchan finally stopped crying, he looked up at me and all I could think about his how adorable he looked. There was a light shade of pink on his cheeks and I felt the urge to kiss hi- wait what am I saying?! Maybe I like Kacchan..? No I couldn't, why would I?! I let go of him and he got up heading to the door.
"Kacchan wait! Don't... don't leave, I uh got some food for you just because you looked a bit thin."
"I'm full stupid Deku"
"Are you s-sure?"
"Why wouldn't I be?!"
I have to have him eat something. He's really skinny!

1 hour later...

Finally Kacchan ate something!! Ahh I'm so tired, I sat down on the bed looking at Kacchan . He looked like he was about to throw up?
"Hey Kacchan are you alright? You look like your about to throw up?? I asked
"U-um I'm fine, I uh have to go" He replied
Kacchan ran out of my room and I followed him. Once he opened his door I quickly rushed in just like he did. He ran to his bathroom and started to throw up.
"G-go away Deku" He demanded
"No! You're obviously not okay"

Bakugo's POV

I'm gonna kill that nerd soon. I'm so stupid if I hadn't went to the school's bathroom then this wouldn't have happened! I And now Deku is probably thinking I'm weak. I threw up everything in my system and once I finished I kicked Deku out of my dorm. I took out my razor and started cutting while crying.


There was a knock at the door.
"WHO THE HELL IS IT" I yelled trying to hide the fact that I was crying
"Kacchan please open the door!" Deku yelled back
I wanted to be alone so I ignored him until he finally left at least I think he did. I started crying even more and eventually I went to bed and slept.

Next Day...

I woke up feeling like shit which isn't a surprise. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and changed. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed my eyes were kind of red to I covered it along with covering my eye bags with concealer. I went to school and did whatever, during lunch I went to the bathroom to cut until I was pushed against a wall, I looked up to see who it is, it was half n half? He pushed me again causing me to hit the floor and hit my head against the wall.
"What's your deal" I said
"You're taking Midoriya away from me" Half n half said
"What the f*** do you mean?" I answered with a confused tone
"All he does is follow you and talk about you, even during class he stares at you! He always leaves me for you!" Half n half said with an angry tone
"What can I do, he likes me better than you I guess" I said with a smirk
He then started kicking me then he grabbed my hair and slammed on the ground.
It hurts
I try not to cry. He starts walking away then stops for a second
"You're worthless." He whispered loud enough for me to hear
Once he left I started sobbing, everything hurt. I notice blood dripping down my face and then everything turned black.

End of Chapter 3

Hiii! Hope you like this chapter and comment any feedback if you want! Hope you all have a lovely day ♥♡♥♡

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