[ 08. ]

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The morning hit like a brick wall for Asami. She ended up in her bed, assuming that she had gotten up in the night and made her way there.

Todoroki had left early that morning to do hero work, their conversation still lingering in the air. She felt bad, she shouldn't have reached out to him. That was a bad move, on her part.

She realized they were running low on ingredients for dishes, so she got ready for the day and headed immediately to the market. It was the first time she had been out by herself in a long time.

Asami gathered all sorts of ingredients, beginning to grow excited about all of the things she could make. The freshness of it all really inspired her. She hadn't had that kind of selection in forever, since her family was hard pressed for cash.

When she wasn't looking, she backed into someone. Startled, she jumped backwards, her phone slipping out of her hand and falling to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you—"

She turned around, a tall man around her age had already picked up her phone. He had dark hair and slightly tan skin, a slight smile decorating his features.

"It's no problem! I didn't mean to scare you so bad," he said, his black shirt tight around his body.

She carefully took her phone away from the man. "Thank you. Again, I really didn't mean to knock into you like that."

"Why do you keep apologizing? Seriously, it's fine. It's not every day pretty girls back into me."

Asami felt a blush spread across her nose. She clutched her shopping bags close, her long hair falling into her face from all of the sudden movements.

"U-um, thanks— I—"

The man leaned up against a vending cart, taking a closer look at her. "What? Never heard a compliment before. Seems a little unbelievable."

"No, I.."

Everything came flooding back. Her reality, the mismatched eyes that gave her such a look of coldness, the isolation. The money. Her family. She couldn't get caught up in this moment. Even if he was tall and broad, with a flashy smile and chocolate eyes.

"I can't."

She hurried away, the man's expression contorting. He waved, tripping over himself trying to go after her.

"Wait! At least let me get your name!"  He called out, giving up as her pace had increased to a run.

When she returned home to their apartment, she shut the door and rested her head against it. It took her a couple of deep breaths to relax again. Then, in a burst of emotion, she slammed her hand against the door. Why couldn't she? Why couldn't she at least entertain the thought? Was it so wrong?

She flipped over against the door, sliding down to the floor next to her groceries. Mom, what're we going to do? I have honor and duty. But my heart. My heart is not here. Maybe underneath all of his ice. But not here.

Asami spent the rest of the afternoon putting away groceries and trying to forget about the encounter at the market. It wasn't happening and it was never happening. She cleaned the house twice, did laundry, tied her hair up in a piece of cloth, and decided to make a really nice meal.

Duty, honor, good, nice, nice, good. She slid the knife through every vegetable and piece of meat with a little bit more aggression than usual. Strands of her fell out of the tie, her eyes focused on the task at hand.

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