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my friend and i dyed our hair in the Nashua mall bathroom while in mcr cosplay

this intro is terrible but shut up i'm tired and crying over frank iero

sept 8th, 2013
11:27 PM / 23:27

It was a chilly Sunday evening, usual September weather for Massachusetts. And like usual September nights, Frank Iero was sweating his ass off at his favorite makeshift "venue" in Boston. He leaned against a pole and sipped his monster energy drink as he waited for the next band to play.

Almost completely disassociated from the real world, Frank Iero stared down at his converse, trying to tune out all the loud voices around him. He successfully did so, as he almost didn't even realize someone had approached him.

"Hey, I'm really sorry if I'm being really annoying, I'm like, halfway high right now, but you're really cute and I'm being bold at the moment so... Hi, I'm Alex..!"

Frank looked up from the floor to meet Alex's eyes, "...Hey, I'm Frank... You're from New Jersey."

"God, is my accent really that strong? Yeah, I just moved here from Jersey," Alex smiled, running her right hand through her short, indigo hair.

"Oh nice, what part?"


"Oh sick! I'm from Belleville!"

"Oh, my girlfriend—err, ex–girlfriend lives in Belleville."

"I would say cool but I don't know if that's a good or bad thing..." Frank chuckled.

"Uhh, yeah, I don't really know either. So, where do you live now?"

"Eh, a shit city called Lowell. Or as I like to call it, Cocaine County."

Alex laughed, "how comforting knowing that there are just as many crackheads here as there are in Jersey. Either way, I just moved there."

"Oh shit," Frank started, "what part?"

"Uhh... Highlands? Wherever Tyler Park seems to be."

"Yeah, that's highlands. So, are you here for a specific band or just to support the local scene?"

"I am here only because I like one Trash Rabbit song that I know they're going to play, other than that I just wanted to get away from my mother. You?"

"Uh, I'm in one of the bands."

"Oh really? Which one?"

"Pencey Prep."

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