You Are Grounded!

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Nat was training with Clint when Friday made an announcement.

"Ms. Romanoff you asked me to intercept all spider-man related incidents and it appears he has been shot multiple times and is resting on a rooftop in Brooklyn. Would you like his coordinates or should I defer this to Mr. Stark?" Clint's eyes went wide, he was a little less oblivious than Tony was and he knew that Peter was the one who'd been shot. 

"Friday I'll take care of it, no need to alert Stark." 

"So I'm coming with you." Clint stated and Nat rolled her eyes at that. 

"Fine just hurry up before Tony realizes Peter's gone."Nat and Clint headed down to the garage and got on her motorbike.

"How come I never get to drive." 

"Cause you act like a kid  and it's my bike." The two took off towards Brooklyn while going just a little above the speed limit, maybe twenty or so over, no big deal. Once they arrived at the building Nat stashed her bike in the alleyway and the two started climbing the fire escape up to the roof. "Hey spidey how bad is it." She leaned over him like a mom checking her kids temperature. 

Pete pushed himself up on his elbows,"I'm fine it just feels kinda stabby."

"Stabby really," Clint mocked while doing the talking hand puppet. 

"Yah stabby Legolas." Okay so maybe it hurt a little more than just stabby and maybe his arm felt a bit numb and there was some blood accumulating in his suit, but I mean it's not the first time he's been shot. The two helped him up but not before a shiny red and gold colored rocket man got there.

"Hi spider-man studying, was it?" Okay so Tony knows and he's pissed thanks a lot Friday. Nat mouthed sorry as she backed away a bit, and who knows were Clint went he was out of sight.

"So what did you pick up a new elective at school and forget to tell me, maybe a course in how to be reckless or I don't know advice on how to get killed. And really thinking you could just hack Friday and sneak out, I thought we built something here, maybe a little trust or mutual respect and then you go out and almost get yourself killed.


"Zip it kid the adult is talking!"

 Why didn't you just tell me instead of running around in a onesie like a toddler. Oh right that's because you just a kid, did you really think that I would have an issue with you trying to help. The issue is that you never think about consequences or that you could've been hurt or kidnapped. Do you ever think about using a lick of common sense every once in a while?"

"Also Nat how the hell did you know about this? Was anybody going to inform me that my kid is a dumb ass vigilante that almost dies every week, huh Clint... Nat? Peter we're going home now, and you're grounded until next year."


"Peter just go to the med bay and then your room, now." This freaking sucks Tony's mad at him and now he has to spend the next few hours getting stitched up, this day really couldn't get any worse. So being the five year old he is he turned off his hearing aids and pouted as he swung back to the tower.

Once he crawled in the window he didn't bother changing out he just took his mask off and marched his way to the med bay. Honestly most of the Avengers already knew his identity so why not just rip of the band aid for the rest. He got a few shocked faces as he walked through the common room mainly the two elders, Cap and Bucky. The rest either weren't present or that surprised, a few of them tried to talk to him but he just got in the elevator and left. It didn't matter what they had to say all that mattered was that Tony was furious with him. 

That's all he could think as the bullet was removed and his wound was sutured shut. The doctor gave him instructions but since he wasn't listening he just gave him a list of things to do and not to but honestly with his speedy healing it's not like he'll use it. He took an apple from the bowl on his way back to his room he should've eaten it but he just ended up laying on his bed and tossing it in the air with his good arm. Eventually that got boring so he crawled up to the ceiling and made a web hammock that attached to his window that over looked the New York skyline. Honestly this whole having  a disappointed dad thing was really new to Peter he hadn't had an actual father figure since his uncle died and that was years ago. It kinda hurt too because in a way it was like Tony was replacing his father and his uncle and maybe he just wasn't ready to accept that he might lose another dad. 

Peter was sitting in a dark waiting room, it looked like the hospital his aunt used to work at. A young woman probably in her thirties walked up to him, it was his aunt. 

"I'm sorry sir but he's gone." His uncle appeared and Mr. Stark they were all looking down at a bed, there was a body laying still under the sheets. It was himself he watched as they all cried over his body. It was like a sick alternate reality were he died instead. The door to his room closed and he stood outside motionless watching as one by one they left his aunt, his uncle and then Mr. Stark. The first two left without a word only tears but Mr. Stark paused for a second, looked back and then said,"I should have never adopted him, all he brings is pain." Then he walked away. Peter stared through tears at his mentor. He would regret adopting him, and he was right his Parker luck only brought pain.

He awoke in strangled sobs and maybe he was crying too loud because Karen alerted him that someone was knocking at his door.

"Come in," He tried to wipe away his tears while in his web hammock. 

DUNDUNDUN slight cliff hanger but nothing major just a hecking sad moment for poor little Peter. I've been writing so much this week but I have to warn ya'll I have to be at winter guard practice from 9-9 for three days this week so after the new year I may not be updating as frequently for a bit. But yah more will be up soon and as requested by a few people I am writing a story with Peter and Nat so watch out for that. Also if ya''l had anything you wanted to see in the story don't worry the next few chapters will start incorporating some of those characters/ideas once we get through this drama.

Once again thank you for reading. :)

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