Hey um the FFuvk Parker

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"Mr. Parker's vital signs are all off"

"He did just sustain serious injuries?"

"No I mean far off, look at his. His body temperature is way too low for him to be alive it's basically room temperature right now and his heart rate is resting around 48 bpm."

"Friday, call Mr. Stark up here please."

Tony's head snapped back and whacked the wall behind his head as Friday informed him that he was needed in the med bay not to say that Tony hadn't fallen asleep in a chair in the waiting room. Tony walked through the doors towards Peter's room while only being half aware of the coffee someone handed him, he sipped on it as he opened to the door to his kid's room as some doctor greeted him.They went through all of the usual formalities but Tony was getting rather impatient.

"Doctor let me stop you right there why did you call me back here? Is he getting better, is it worse? Just give it to me straight."

The doctor swallowed the lump in his throat,"Well um sir it's not necesseraly bad news but we had a few questions about his medical history and any odd things you may know about his umm... condition."

"Condition?" Tony raised an eyebrow at that.

"Yes condition, his vital signs are off in ways that aren't normal for a trauma patient or any patient for that matter so if you could please answer some questions, we would appreciate your cooperation. And yes all of this is of course confidential. 

"Does Peter have any existing medical conditions?"

"Not that I know of"

"Does he use any illicit or prescription drugs?"


"Is he a mutant?"

"Is he a what?", Why the hell would the doctor ask question like that, I mean surely Peter would have told him that, how could he not know the answer to a question like that. "I... I don't know for sure but why are you asking is something wrong with him?"

"It's not that anything is wrong in fact he's healing faster and managed to survive the initial incident but his vitals just are very off from what an average human's should be. The only issue we've encountered is his metabolism seems to be very accelerated and he burns through medication too quickly."

"As fast as Cap?"

"Faster," the doctor replied,"We've actually been giving him the strongest medications we have with the strongest doses we can without killing him. By some miracle we haven't had to operate on him because of his healing so he should be in a wheelchair within a week but I'd be cautious we, the staff, are advising at least a 48 hour watch to make sure he's stable and on top of that we wanted to discuss how we need to contact his family about the incident."

"I'll have Pepper handle it for now, I'll come up with some story about a lab injury or something else but I wasn't really planning on reaching out to them since they haven't even tried to reach Peter in the last three days."

"Sir this is borderline kidnapping."

"I'm aware and I'll handle it, have a good day doctor... Bevis." Tony walked out he couldn't handle the concept that Peter didn't trust him enough to tell him about his mutation or whatever it was I mean he worked with the Avengers, which is literally a team of mutated super weirdos. The whole ordeal really just fucked with his mind, so what great coping mechanism will Tony employ this time; locking himself in the lab, drinking, yelling at everyone else, deciding to fight terrorism overseas on a whim. All appetizing choices that will have Pepper yelling at him in an instant so he decided on locking himself in the lab with a bottle of scotch or two.

I know updates suck but eh I usually only update when I'm sad or creative (usually both) so I'll see ya'll tomorrow maybe, sorry for the wait but it be like that sometimes. I love all of you and I hope ya'll have a great 2020. (did I mention how much I fuckkign love stock photos?)

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