Widow and Bird-Brain

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Warning: suicidal thoughts, read with caution you can skip this chapter and I can put a summary on the next one if y'all want me too.

Have you ever sat in a tree or maybe on the grass and breathed with the sky. The noise seems to die down like a soft soundtrack on a timeless record player. The wind shifts constantly beckoning you to move with it and reach beyond where you are. And the sky in all of it's glory paints a scenery so vivid and unique that it feels as if the cosmos aligned for just one minute to give you room to breathe and to feel a little more alive than you did before. Peter laid on top of his apartment building soaking in this moment where dark clouds rolled up towards the coast and the winds ran from left to right like children jumping and playing with no fears and no responsibility to hold them down.

Unlike the winds Peter felt too much. Too much aching and too much guilt. Every action he has ever failed to do and every person he has failed to save left him. Now he is left with no one. He has no mom to celebrate his small wins, he has no father to teach him what he loves, he has no relatives to pass on stories, hopes and dreams. It was numbing, like the feeling of contemplating overdosing or death. Peter had no logical way to deal with his hurt so he buried day after day so that maybe he can die before facing any of his feelings.

He had contemplated the fall, it would feel natural but if it didn't work his identity could be compromised. He contemplated overdosing but his metabolism would run though most things before any real damage could happen. He finally contemplated harming himself but how could he waste what his family had already lost, their lives. So maybe he was getting a little more careless. Maybe he opted to ignore his spidey-sense more often but who would notice. Peter had MJ and Ned but they wouldn't miss him too much. He valued himself as much as most people value dirt. He felt expendable because really Flash's bullying had been getting to him and the stress of balancing the Bugle, the internship, Spider-Man, school, and his home life was too much for any teen.

Natasha was out making a round on the lookout for Spider-Man when Clint called to inform her of a kid sitting dangerously high on a rooftop. So she took off and climbed the fair escape until she reached the top of the building. She saw Peter dangling his legs and looking at the setting sun. She had no clue that the boy knew she was there until he abruptly turned around almost startling her. The kids eyes were red and he acted so nonchalant about her appearance it was kinda freaky. Regardless the most bizarre part had to be that this was Stark's intern the kid genius crying in a not so good part of town on a roof about twenty stories off the ground.

He hopped down the fire escape and went in a window without a word. Nat was shook at how hollow he looked. The footage she'd seen of him at the tower was nothing like this behavior. Hell Cap got more words out of him in ten seconds than she got in the whole interaction but she wasn't going to tell Tony she'd been stalking his intern.

"Did you talk to him?" Clint asked through the com.

"No he didn't say a word but he definitely knew I was there which makes no sense because everyone goes on about how talkative Stark's intern is but he was so hollow Clint, you should've seen the distant look in his eyes. " Nat was beyond worried, something was off about the situation, something bigger than just his lack of words.

"Clint can you pull up anything about his home life? He had cuts on him and the sweatshirt had blood stains. Unless he's a professional boxer or he's into dangerous hobbies this doesn't add up. "

"I'll look into it Nat but you should come on back anyway. It's getting late and you've been out for hours."

Once Peter had heard Black Widow's heart beat fade out of earshot he went on with his normal activities. You know the whole finish your homework, fix up your vigilante costume and take out some stitches routine. He knew that Ms. Romanoff wasn't just in queens for no reason. Peter kinda had a bet with Ned about how long it would take before S.H.I.E.L.D figured his identity out and it looked like Ned might win $5 on this one.

After Sunday nights run in with Black Widow Peter was kinda nervous about going to his internship. She seemed to recognize him and he knew there was no way in hell he could work on his suit without anyone noticing. So as he sat at decathlon practice his mind was definitely not with him. Sure he didn't get any questions wrong but he could feel the sweat on his forehead as he thought way too hard about the next few hours. By the time Micheal called the meeting he was pale and had a glossy look in his eyes.

MJ searched the are but he had vanished without a goodbye or even a little acknowledgment. It was then that she decided to text Ned later about Peter.

Peter swung over to Stark Tower and then changed out of his suit behind a dumpster a few blocks away before making his way to the elevator. Just as the two assassins had planned they waited on the elevator for Peter to arrive and as he stepped in he nearly had a heart attack. There really seemed to be some bad luck tied to him taking the elevator. First Cap and now Widow and Hawkeye, just peachy.

Peter stepped in and went to hit the button for the lab but someone had already pressed it so he assumed the duo was going to talk to Mr. Stark about superhero stuff or something. God was he wrong.

"So Mr. Parker is it?" Natasha inquired.

"Just Peter is fine, Ms. Romanoff."

"You're Tony's intern, right?" Peter nodded and made a slight hum, " Well we were just heading up to talk to him." (as if it wasn't an obvious fact)

Luckily for Peter the elevator dinged and he shuffled out faster than road runner does when an anvil is being dropped. Nat raised an eyebrow at Clint but they both partially blamed it on nerves.

Tony was working on his new prototype for another Iron Man suit when he noticed the three people entering his lab.

Stark scoffed, "Bird-brain and Nat to who do I owe this pleasure."

Word Count: 1128

So sorry for some depresso stuff in the beginning it's not my best but it's a style I write past two in the morning. Sorry for a sorta cliff hanger, I'll update sometime. -M

P.S. Sorry for any confusion NONE OF THE AVENGERS KNOW SPIDER-MAN'S IDENTITY. I made a mistake a chapter or so back and implied that Tony knows and he does not. (I have since then edited that chapter and fixed it)

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