Field Trip?

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Waking up after only getting about four hours of sleep was no fun, and Peter could really assure you of that fact. But the smell of breakfast was more than enough to motivate him to get ready for school after hitting snooze once or maybe five times. Peter ate as much as he could before he packed his lunch and caught the subway on his way to school. He made it to first period right as the bell rang. After the morning announcements and the pledge of allegiance his math teacher made an announcement.

"As all of your fourth period teachers informed you yesterday, Stark Industries is hiring so we have been invited to tour the tower this Friday, in case any of you have questions about interning once you're in college." Ned basically squealed and Peter could feel his breakfast being shaken. They were going to the Avengers tower, it's absolutely insane! As soon as Peter had his form in his hands he forged Mrs. Harlow's signature because she didn't even know he applied for the internship.

When the school day ended Peter was gone and Spider-man was on patrol. He was completely unaware of the meeting going on in the Avenger's Tower where Nick Fury was lecturing the Avengers on the newest vigilante in New York.

"He could be a valuable asset." Nick glared at the distracted Avengers.

"Yah well I don't see how this is our issue isn't a vigilante a bit below our pay grade," Tony but in.

"Not when he's able to stop a bus with his bare hands and take down the vulture alone. Agents Barton and Romanoff will be in charge of bringing him. I plan on recruiting him for the Avengers initiative." The Avengers where dumbstruck, fury wanted some unknown vigilante to join an elite group of heroes! Before they could argue as to why it's a terrible idea he walked out leaving them to grumble to each other. The tower had enough crazy after Steve's friend Bucky joined the mix and it really didn't need someone they didn't trust adding to it. This was going to be a hell of a week.

The day was now Friday and the Avengers had planned there stakeout while Peter was running to school after stopping a mugging. The bus was already loaded and ready to go before he made it up to his math teacher.

"So glad you could make it Peter," flash jeered while hanging out the bus window. But Peter was determined that there's no way in hell he was going to let Flash out of all people ruin this for him. After role call the bus pulled out of Midtown High and they were on their way to The Avengers Tower. Ned was rambling about the Empire Strikes Back all the way there even though Peter was more of a Star Trek fan and MJ kept her nose in her book while she somehow didn't get car sick. So as the trio approached the tower they were stunned to find Tony Stark standing out front talking to none other than Bruce Banner. The scientists were completely unaware of the gawking teenagers approaching them as they argued over what the correct answer to an equation for the new quinjets should be. Peter knew the answer as soon as he heard the equation it was 19.036 and for once Mr. Stark was wrong. The equation had been on the internship application and Peter couldn't believe two geniuses hadn't already solved it. Mr. Stark did a double take and noticed the staring teens so he dropped the conversation with Bruce and addressed them.

"Well welcome to Avengers Tower, the headquarters for Stark Industries, but you all already know that. This is my college Dr. Banner and I'm assuming you're here for the Future Interns of Tomorrow Tour." Stark rolled his eyes as the teens all nodded, still in shock that they had been addressed by the Tony Stark! Tony and Bruce led them all inside and to their surprise interns passed them personalized visitor badges.

They expected Mr. Stark to leave but he talked them through all of the intern labs, where the avengers lived, how security worked and all of the company policies but of course he was a bit off book.

At the end of the tour there was an odd request,"Peter Parker would you please stay behind for a moment." Mr Stark announced to the whole class. The room buzzed and his heart started to race, did they know he was Spider-Man? Was he in trouble with S.H.I.E.L.D? Shit he was screwed!

Tony led him into a small room with tinted glass that Peter assumed was one way.

"Mr. Parker do you have any idea why I've brought you here and why your class had a special tour with two avengers?" Peter was freaking shaking at this point, he was doomed! They were going to take him in and question him, his secret identity was out.

"You've been accepted as the youngest intern at Stark Industries!" This was not at all what he expected, he expected to be in vibranium hand cuffs at this point. He was expecting a whole you'll be working on the Intern floor and maybe doing small projects. But no this was Tony Stark, and Peter was made his personal intern! And apparently he started right after school, he would work 4-7:30 every weeknight in Mr. Stark's lab.

Once the shock wore off he realized just how bizarre this all was. Why would Mr. Stark who is seemingly arrogant as ever and would never even let a college graduate set foot in his lab want some freshman doing work with him on high-level projects for the avengers and his company? Peter never thought of himself as being extraordinary apart from the whole being a vigilante and having superpowers part. Peter Parker was just supposed to be normal or maybe a little smart but nothing that would stand out from the crowd. So as he stared at the ceiling at two in the morning he couldn't shake the feeling that this special internship was more about Spider-Man and less about Peter Parker.

Word Count: 1042

Sorry for the crazy long wait I've had finals and end of semester projects kicking my ass (that's America's Ass!). Anyhow school is out for me and hopefully I will be uploading as much as I can. Thank you for reading!

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