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He gets up fast walking down the stairs and I hear the front door slam. An actual asshole wow. Me and mattia are fucking FRIIEENNDDSSS oh my goodness. I really cannot have any guy friends. Like seriously first it's their fan base and how "I want the whole crew" like wtf sorry that my brother is friends with them?? I'm so fucking ANNOYED. I always brushed off people thinking I'm dating or talking to one of them but idk I just popped. It's not fun being accused of something you didn't do or never planned on doing.

Varo notices ale left in a hurry and comes to my room.

Al: lyly?
H: pls just leave me alone
Al: yea no
H: dude
Al: what happen??
H: I really don't want to talk about it. It's not even a big deal.
Al: if it makes you sad it's a big deal
Al: come on it's me?
H: fine

I tell him what happened and what had happened before. He sighs most of the time and inputs his comments. At the end I do feel better.

Al: don't worry lyly. You know I or we got you regardless
H: I know I know
Al: maybe just talk to him? You guys don't need to get together or like be a thing anymore but you don't wanna throw away a friendship like your guys.
H: true but maybe I'm just gonna give myself time to let myself feel sad or angry.
Al: yea you do that. Well if you're hungry the boys are gonna go get food, you want?
H: French fries plsss
Al: ofc fatass
H: fuck offf

I say pushing him and laughing. The boys make me feel better. I kinda am letting go of this whole situation. I did like him. NO CAP. But every good thing for me has its ending. That's fine. It was fun while it lasted? But I don't wanna be the first to talk to him. I'll be around him just won't be as close yk? Yes you know haha. They come back with my friesss as I get happy and go downstairs to eat with them. Yaayyayaayaya. With ranch ommgggg. Ok anyways we were sitting there laughing and watching movies when we literally all fell asleep. I don't even remember when but it was still early like 10pm? Shit we knocked out. I woke up at like 5:58am and all the boys were sleeping still. Damn that was a good sleep. I wake them all up and there all as confused as I was on how long we had slept. They all went home to get ready for school and I headed upstairs to get ready. I looked at my phone and I had a text from Alejandro.

Hey I'm sorry about everything
Can we just talk?

No trust me you're all good
Let's just forget about it

Are you sure?

Yea you're good
See you today

Oh ok

I didn't care anymore. I shouldn't care. I was hurt still but that didn't matter. If he was happy he was happy yk? I just didn't wanna talk to him about it. Me and varo got ready for school and headed off. I felt better. The boys definitely cheered me up yesterday ahaha. Today was early release so we ended at 12:30 and started at 8:30. Yeerrrrr. 4 classes today only. 3 of them with ale but it's okkk. The first class I had with him and we just sat near eachother but I never said anything to him. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I didn't wanna make it weird. But then 3 period came around and that's the class I have with him and Vic. I sat in the middle of them so it was fucking awkward.

V: hey we still up for today?
A: um actually I can't today I have to um help the boys with something
V: oh okay just text me!
A: yea for sure

He had to help the boys? Bruh bullshit. I giggled to myself and Vic nudged me.

V: what you laughing at!
H: nothing trust me Vic
V: do you have a problem or something?
H: actually I do. You cheated on my bestfriend but that's okay right?

Shit I shouldn't have said anything.

V: bitch
H: save it

I say getting up as the bell rang for lunch.

A: hey hey wait what was that?
H: what was what?
A: you kinda went off on Vic and I was next to you idiot
H: oh nothing I just laughed and she got mad and I just said it's bc she cheated on you blah blah blah
A: ahh defending me that's the hailey I like
H: shut it

I say laughing and walking away with him to the lunch tables. It seems normal now. I know we both need closure but it feels better right now. We don't sit next to each other. I mean I think he wanted me to but I say across next to mattia. Mattia hugged my waist and I hugged neck. Alejandro looks annoyed but I find him on his phone. We all talk and laugh until the bell cuts us off. It was the last class so I didn't care. Mattia ended up dropping me off.

M: hey
H: haayy
M: what up with you and ale?
H: nothing? We never talked about it
H: we just ignored the fact all that happened haha
M: oh okay
H: how come?
M: nothing

We rode back home and he dropped me off. I gave him a hug and I left to my door step. I see my mom in the kitchen.

H: hey mama
Hm: hi baby
H: how come your home so early?
Hm: I had to help some friends so I got off early, where's varo?
H: i don't know mattia dropped me off
Hm: mattia?
H: yea I think varo was gonna go do something so I've been riding with mattia.
Hm: oh ok

That's weird? I guess idk but I go up to my room and change out of my clothes. I wear a long shirt with no pants bc it's a long shirt for a reason? Lol anyways I was blasting music and doing homework like writing my Cornell notes on my computer. I can't really hear anything besides the music. I'm vibinngggg yeyeye. An hour or two later I hear a LOUD bang at my door.

A: wait no it's me ale!

Wtf is he doing here?

H: oh shit um okay give me a min??

I rush to put on some shorts and throw a hoodie over my shirt. I finally look presentable and open the door.

H: hey um. Come in
A: sorry to come I texted you but you didn't answer so I thought I'd just stop by
H: oh shoot sorry I was doing homework
A: no no it's okay
H: well... you came for?
A: oh um... why did you stand up for me?
H: because you're my friend?...
A: oh...
H: yeaa um anything else?
A: why did you ignore me?

Man I wanted to avoid this conversation for so fucking long.

H: it's not a big deal I just needed space...
A: not cut it hailey
H: ...........
A: just tell me. Please?

I couldn't hold back my tears or anger. All I felt was madness and sadness. It just came out.

H: you wanna know why? Do you really?? Well for one you slept with Vic the night before we were talking about how we were gonna take it slow!!!!!

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now