leave please

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I still ignore him in our classes till lunch. I walk to their table but get called at by Jess. I tell the boys I'll be back and head over to her.

H: what's up??
J: come into the bathroom with me
H: okay...

We walk into the bathroom and she literally squeals.

H: what is it??
J: you can not believe!! Vic asked ale to hang out tomorrow and he said yes !! Wtfff
H: wait frr??
J: yea dude wtf he got cheated on and he still wanted to hang?? CraZzzyyy. Did he not tell you??
H: he knows I hate that she did that to him so he's probably scared I would've gone off on him haha
J: you would've no cappp
H: your dumb
J: whatevveerrr

We walk out laughing about something when I see alex. I try to ignore him but he catches my eye and walks over to me.

A: hailey! Come here!
H: I'm lazy and hungry

I say walking pass him but he pulls at my arm causing me to stop and turn to him.

A: what's your problem??
H: nothing?
A: why have you been ignoring me?
H: Alex it's really nothing I'm just busy okay?
A: no tell me
H: I'm serious I'll talk to you later I have to go.

I pull away from his hands and walk to my next class. It's lunch but I don't wanna be with the boys right now. But I also don't wanna have to walk home either. So I have to text mattia. Varo will just ask to much questions.

Hey don't tell them I'm texting you but can you give me a ride home?

For sure where'd you go though?

Jess told me something and I just didn't wanna be around you guys right now but I'll tell you after school?

I think I'm dropping off ale at his house too though

Fuck okay nvm it's fine.
No need

Nah I'll tell varo to drop him off

Are you sure?

Anything for you Lyly

Thank you tia 🥺💖

Ofc so where do you want me to get you?

I'll meet you by your car?

Be safe

Okay that's done now I just need to get past these two classes and I can go home. I don't have anything against ale, kinda. But it's just weird. I see him and Jess words run through me. That he fucked Vic the same night yk. But like a player is always a player. I don't care anymore it's fine.

The next classes go by pretty fast, I had some of the boys but not alex. Thank god. My last class ends and I walk to my locker to put sassy my books. Then I see a figure next to it. Ale. Nope. I turn around as I make eye contact with him and he yells my name. "HAILEY HAILEY!" I keep walking till he again pulls my arm.

A: seriously are we okay??
H: um yea I have to go... put my books away brb

He follows me to my locker as I put my shit away and he slams it when all my books are in.

H: thanks.
A: hailey
H: that's my name

I say walking off as he's trailing behind me.

A: why won't you even look me in the eye??!

At this point I'm fed up. I turn to him and look him dead straight in the eye and say, "maybe because your gf Vic won't be pleased with me to close to you." I say before running off. He doesn't follow me and I don't blame him. He had to have known I've known something right? I can feel the tears in my eye but I wipe them away and get to mattias car.

M: wanna talk?
H: not now. Can you take me home?
M: ok...

The drive home was silent until we reach my house.

H: come inside and I'll tell you instead

He nods and we walk upstairs into my room. He sits on the chair and I sit on my bed.

M: so what happen?
H: well... Jess pulled me aside during lunch and she told me that Vic asked Alejandro to hang out tomorrow and he said yes. And I believe it since I seen them after class giggling with eachother.
M: wait he said yes?? I thought she cheated on him!
H: exactllyyyyy I'm just as confused as you are
M: what the fuck
H: and then he kept trying to talk to me but I kept ignoring him or walking away cause I was busy. But before I got to you I was walking to my locker but I seen him next to it so i walked the other way and he ran after me but the I walked back to my locker and after I put everything in her slammed it and was like "why won't you look at me??!" And then I got fed up and I couldn't keep it in anymore so I said, "maybe because your gf Vic won't be pleased with me to close to you." And then I walked off and he didn't follow me.
M: wow

Mattia sees the teas forming in my eyes when he sits next to me.

M: it's gonna be alright lyly
H: I know it will it just sucks that the one guy I thought wouldn't be like the rest did that idk
M: yea I understand where you're coming from
H: were not dating but the fact he even slept with her the same night he told me he loved me and we did shit isn't very like idk nice??
M: it's okay come here.

Mattia says as he wraps his arms around me. Mattia has always been there for me. Regardless if he was a player too. I loved him. A lot. Not relationship kind but he was like a brother to me. When varo was to oblivious to see anything. But that's okay.

I hear the boys come in and now I'm fucked. There either gonna think me and mattia were doing something or... nah it's fine.

H: I think you should go to the boys
M: are you sure?
H: yea I'll be fine
H: thank you again tia
M: ofc ly
H: ly2

He walks out as I walk him to my door and catch he boys eyes. Whatever. There kinda shocked but ale just looks mad. I close the door before I hear yelling,


I run out of my room to see the boys holding back ale. Are you joking. I run downstairs to calm him down. "What the fuck are you doing!" I say pulling at his shirt and making his face look at me. He's still breathing heavy and his eyes are red and kind of puffy. Poor thing. "Knock it the fuck off both of you!" I say pushing Alejandro upstairs into my room. I slam my door when he sits on my bed.

H: are you fucking okay??
H: wtf was that!
A: idk maybe you should go ask your other "boyfriend"

Oh you have to be kidding me right now...

H: other boyfriend?
A: yea mattia, you guys had to be doing something to be in your guys room alone right??
H: you're fucking delusional to even think that Alex
A: am I though??
A: you ignore me for like two days and every time i see you your either with mattia or cuddling with him!! Haha!!
H: Alejandro you don't even know what the fuck your talking about.
A: don't i though? Weren't WE gonna take it slow??

I say practically yelling at him. He goes silent and is unable to make out his words.

H: you know what?? Just leave.
A: i- i-

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin