done with this

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We all stay in the living room and talk to each other. My phone rings and it's... Jess. Okay. I walk to my room letting them know I was gonna take a call.

H: hey what's u-
H: wha wha what??
J: I have major teaaa!! That you may already know but it's okaayyy
J: anywyas so you know how Vic and ale broke up??
H: yea?
J: i guesss Vic talked to him at the party and they made out or they fucked in one of the rooms but I think she's gonna talk to him tomorrow about what happened and how they might get back together
H: ohh. Frr?
J: yea dude holy shittt did ale not tell you?
H: um he mentioned something but I didn't care much but how do you know??
J: Vic told me this morning because she couldn't go home since her mom was there so she stayed over at my house
H: oh shit okay but thanks for telling me you better tell me more teeaa when you get haha but I have to go see you tomorrow!
J: ok ok byyeee lyy be safe
End of call

What the fuck. I sit there lightly sobbing. I actually thought. I actually thought he liked me?? And would change for me?? After all these months? I'm an actual living clown. Nope okay no. We're not dating. I shouldn't care. Right? But he literally told me that same night he loved me?? Oh man. Nope okay I'm not gonna be one of his girls he plays for a week and leaves. No never. Two can play that game baby.

I wipe my eyes make sure I look great still. I walk down stairs and see the boys already. I don't walk to ale at all. I sit at the edge of the couch next to mattia. "Who was it?" He asks me. "My other boyfriend." I say as a joke to also catch Alejandro's attention. Mattia laughs and I do also. I look over at ale and he looks mad as fuck. He doesn't look at me and his face is targeted at the tv and his jaw is clenched. I feel bad but who cares. He's technically allowed to do whatever he wants with any girl. I'm just still hurt that even happened. Like he really told me he loved me the same night he fucked Vic... lol. Whatever I don't date anywayysss.

An hour passed and we all start to get hungry.

Al: I need me some mf Taco Bell bro
M: betttt who's driving?
H: I can go and just get take out and hurry home?
A: sure bout that?
H: hell yea? Unless you wanna go by all means goo.
M: gotchu I'll come with
H: thank youuuu

They all give mattia the order and me and mattia leave. Alejandro looks annoyed but it's fine. We get in the car and I start to drive.

M: soooo you and ale??
H: what about us? We're best friends
M: surreeee you guys are talking right?
H: nah we were but I'm probably gonna brush it off soon
M: wtf why??
H: he's still hung up on Vic and that's on perioddd
M: how do you know??
H: i have my mfff wayyssss
M: stfu and tell me
H: you're annoying
M: but you love me So spill
H: ok I'm only saying it because it's not a big deal
H: anyways I just heard they slept together the same night me and ale were discussing us? I guess Idk but just seems off and sketchy anyways so I'm gooodddd
M: wtf frr? When?
H: the party
M: wtf no wonder he came back with his hair messed up
H: well that just gives him another motive haha but it's fine we're not dating or exclusive so I'm okay with it
M: you sure? I'd be mad
H: oh I am mad. Kinda but I have no place to do so. He's his own person and so am I yk?
M: true but still he told you he liked you and wanted to take it slow??
H: well yea but it's whatever he changes his mind about girls all the time.
H: I don't know why I thought he'd be diffrent this time with me haha
M: hmm...
H: don't say anything though I don't wanna make a big deal out of it
M: let me ask you
H: ?
M: is that why you've been being all flirty with me?
H: ehh half and half.
H: it's more I don't care what i do and I flirt with you because it's just funny and ale getting jealous is just a bonus
H: I won't intentionally do it on purpose it just comes out
M: mhmmmmmmm okkkk
H: I know what you're thinking. Stfu
M: chilll

We laugh it off and get the food and drive home.

M: foods here bitchessss

Mattia says opening the door. All the boys immediately jump up from the couch to be island table but Alejandro gets up slowly. Like he's dreading to see me or get his food. Okkkk budddyyy. We get our food and nost of the boys are on the couch and only ale and mattia were at the table. I sit in between them with one leg up while I eat.

M: damn Hailey how do you even fit your leg like that on the chair
H: because I'm not a motha fuckin dinosaur

I say laughing. I ignore ales existence and only talk to mattia. We clean up and they all head to varos room. I go back in telling them goodnight before I get ready for bed. They all end up leaving also saying bye to me. Ale says bye and I give him a smile. Just to have him hold onto something haha. I get ready for bed and I'm instantly knocked out.

We started at 9:30 today so i woke up at 8:30. Hmm. I wore,

(But instead it's a juice wrld shirt and I'm wearing b/w authentic vans with lace

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(But instead it's a juice wrld shirt and I'm wearing b/w authentic vans with lace.)

Al: I'm driving dumbass
H: I can take the car idiot
Al: k k chilll I'm coming!

Alvaro finally comes down and I had made us some toast to take. He drives as we listen to music.

Al: are you and ale good?
H: yea why?
Al: idk y'all never even talked yesterday
H: didn't want to?
Al: aren't you guys like talking rn?
H: nah I'm over it
H: I'm probably just another girl he wanted to get with so I'm chillinnnn
Al: wow for real?
H: yep
Al: damnnn okk i guessss

He says before we pulled into the lot. The boys were all near the lockers by the stairs. I said hi but said I needed to get to class already. Class I had with ale. He was there but didn't feel like asking him to come with. I go in and sit where I sit. Ale sits two seats next to me but behind one seat. I feel like he's staring at me but I'm not gonna look. I ignore him again and we go to the next class. We had Vic in there. Soo... we got into class and sat at our assigned lab tables. I was in the middle table. Ale was to my left table and Vic was on the right table.

V: hey ale!
A: yooo
V: can I talk to you later? Maybe recess??
A: yea for sure after this class?

She nods and I just sigh. Okkkk definitely shouldn't interrupt. Class ended and I took long to leave because I pack so slow lol. When I walk out I see ale and Vic standing by the lockers. I can't hear exactly what their saying but I can hear that she says,

V: it was weird but fun?!
A: haha yea we were pretty wasted but it was cool

Yea I'm not listening to this shit. I walk pass them fast, "WAIT HAILEY!" Ale says. "Sorry I have to go see you later." I say waving and smiling at them. Hope I don't talk to him in class...

Messing Around • Alejandro Rosario Where stories live. Discover now