Chapter 1. Patent shoes and immatuirty.

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'Our eyes locked'

Chapter 1. Patent shoes and immaturity.


The thing I've come to learn about eye contact is that, whether you like it or not, it holds an undoubtable level of intimacy.

One gaze can hold a thousand unsaid words, one look can uncover things that's words never could of, and two pairs of eyes locking can start a relationship based purely on the connection they felt once their eyes had met from across the room.

It can bring two people closer together without either party even noticing.

It can be a dangerous thing; because as soon as I saw him-I saw forever in his hazel eyes and at first, all he saw was me.

6 years ago.

The first day of school I always dreaded.

This time, however, It was tinged with pure glee.

The unbeatable feeling of excitement overwhelmed my 11 year old mind as I crouched down to reach my black patent school shoes. Being my first day in a school uniform, I wanted to ensure that I looked the part- not entirely sure I knew how English schools worked but attempting to fake it 'till I make it. 

My parents decided to relocate to London after my mom got an unmissable job opportunity, much to my dismay as I had to kiss the comfort of my hometown goodbye. With my accent, that stuck out like I soar thumb among the cool tones of the London ones, there was a part of me that was terrified to start school. But I grabbed my strangely pronounced words and new school bag and headed to Northside primary school.

The school had assigned me a buddy, mainly so I had someone to eat lunch with and not look like the strange new American student. Though they claimed it was so that they could show me around and help me know the schools values... but I saw through that.

A tall, dirty blonde haired girl with bright blue eyes, which where highlighted against the dull tones of our red uniform, extended a petite hand and showed me a small warm smile, making me already feel at home.

"Hi, I'm Carter, I'll be your buddy here at Northside primary"

and I couldn't help but smile back, as in spite of her sweet tone I could feel through her mannerisms that she had another side- a more honest and cutting one, and because of that I Instantly felt like we could be real friends.

Just then, a slightly smaller girl who's features where the exact opposite of Carters- hers were dark and tan as she appeared next to us,
showed me a curt smile and head nod, still radiating elements of kindness but keeping up a guard,

"and i'm Leena"  she spoke.

"I'm Andrea, thank you for helping me" I smiled.

And from that moment on the three of us were kind of inseparable.

Kind of.


My first day went as any first day at a primary school would; light teasing because I was the new girl, but mostly introducing myself and trying to figure out the friendship groups.

As I settled on one of the many wooden benches scattered around the playground, I found myself locking eyes with a hazel eyed boy who must have been in my year group.

Even with our age, his frame was still bigger than the other boys around him and I noticed how he was inseparable from a boy who must have been his best friend. 

"Who's he?"  I innocently nudged Carter in an attempt to get a deeper insight to the boy who made my young heart beat too fast, for a 11 year old who knew nothing on feelings.

"Him? He's Alexander Harrison, though everyone calls him Xander. Sort of a trouble maker" she dragged out the word in a High pitched voice that exaggerated her innocence,
"but really he's quite nice" she dismissed the obvious reputation he had.

And maybe it was because I was immature and couldn't fully comprehend liking someone, Or maybe it was because I knew that with a face like that, even 11 year olds could get possessive. But i instantly alerted Carter and Leena of my budding crush, And by extension, Claimed dibs on Alexander.

For the remainder of the two years we all had left at primary school before fleeing the nest and moving onto our individual secondary schools (mine being Greenwood High), I admired Xander from afar.

My little crush only developed more and more and even for a youngster I knew that this was eventually going to hurt. Possibly due to choosing different secondary schools, and eventually having to loose touch (though everyone from NorthSide usually went to Greenwood anyways) or due to other ten-to-eleven year old complications, but I just knew.

Which option it would be down to was soon confirmed though, as on our last day at Northside, when I went back to our (what should have been empty) form room to collect my bags, i saw the girl who's features I knew I couldn't trust from the first day;

Leena, standing in the classroom.

Though she wasn't alone.

She was sharing a kiss with Xander and I swear I could hear my heart in my ears as a light gasp escaped my lips alerting them of my presence and forcing me to lock eyes with Xander.

And even though I knew a boy should never come between friends, and I knew that I was too young to be experiencing hurt like this- I couldn't look past the betrayal from Leena.

Trust is the foundation to all friendships, no matter how young you are, and seeing her kiss the boy she knew I liked, made me see that she had no true loyalties to me.

Eleven-to-twelve year old complications; Fake friends.

I knew it would hurt.

Young love, Am I right?
There will be a time jump.
Ahh small Andrea and Xander, You just wait...
Also, Opinions on Leena?
Leave it in the comments :))
Mys x

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