Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Dean, what the hell!" I gasp and Dean closes the door. "Are we even allowed to be in here?"

"I'm sorry, I just saw you walking by and I couldn't wait to talk to you." Dean holds back a laugh.

"You could've waited till I finished my conversation, now they're going to think something happened to me." I try to be mad but I can't help but laugh, picturing Sasha and Roman's reaction when they notice I'm not there.

"They'll be fine." Dean says and I roll my eyes.

"This better be fast Dean, because I'm starving right now." I say and I can feel my stomach rumble.

"Don't worry, it will be." Dean responds and takes a deep breath.

I step closer to him and wait for him to speak.

"I don't want anything to be awkward between us, you know how I said you were my favourite person?" Dean asks and I nod, "I meant it, I don't wanna lose you...not now, not ever."

"You aren't going to lose me Dean, what makes you think that?" I chuckle.

Dean's eyes water and my face falls into a frown, "What's wrong?"

Dean shakes his head.


Dean doesn't answer me, making me mad.

"So now you won't talk to me? You're the one who pulled me in this stupid room to talk, so continue talking." I say with annoyance in my voice.

Dean sighs and opens his mouth to speak again.

"Look what happened...when you know..." Dean trails off.

"When I tried to kiss you." I finished for him.

"Yeah, that. I felt confused and I didn't know what to do." Dean continues.

"You weren't so confused when you tried to kiss me at the party." I say coldly, making his eyes widen, "I'm not stupid, I know you were, so don't try to leave that out."

"I'm not...I admit it, I did try to kiss you." He admits and I nod.

"Then why do you keep pretending that nothing happened? I'm tired of running away from my feelings, aren't you?" I ask.

Dean nods.

"I like you Dean. Way more than I thought I would. But I feel like you're playing games with me. One day you're trying to kiss me and the next you're kissing a girl." I frown.

"I'm not playing games with you Seth." Dean argues, "At least I'm not trying to."

"Are you too embarrassed of me to admit how you really feel?" I ask worriedly and he laughs.

"Are you kidding, you're the hottest guy I've ever seen! Who would be embarrassed to like you?" He says, making me blush.

"Then why, what's holding you back?" I ask, growing impatient, "Is it that girl you were kissing earlier, is it your friends?"

"No...I've already told you about that girl. I don't like her that way, and I never will. And as for my 'friends', you know I couldn't give a damn about what they think." Dean explains.

"What is it, then? Somethings clearly stopping you from wanting to be with me."

"I do want to be with you Seth, nothings holding me back." He grabs my hands into his.

"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like nothing." I look at him in disbelief.

"I'm positive, I like you too, Seth. Nothing's going to change that." He smiles and I smile back. "I was just confused before, about my feelings for you. I'm not anymore."

I still have doubts in my mind, but I push it back and have hopes that Dean is telling the truth.

Now that we've finally confessed how we feel, I'm relieved and a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders.

"What does this mean for us now?" I still wasn't sure if Dean wanted to be with me, or if he wanted to continue running from his feelings.

"I'd like to be with you, if you're not pissed with me anymore." Dean smiles slightly.

"That sounds nice." I smile back.

Dean smirks, looking from my eyes to my lips.

I blush when I realize what he's about to do.

Before Dean can even lean in, the door opens.

"What are you boys doing in here?" The janitor yells, "You should be in the cafeteria."

"We're sorry, sir." Dean holds back a chuckle and pulls me out the room with him.

The second Dean and I are out the room, the janitor slams the door closed, making us jump.

Dean intertwines our hands, making me blush again.

"Let's go get lunch now, baby boy." Dean says and we walk to the cafeteria.

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