Chapter Twenty

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When I see Dean walking my way, I quickly walk to my locker so he doesn't know I've been watching and listening.

I open my locker and Dean walks up to me quietly.

"Hey." He sounds and looks pissed, probably from the argument he just had with his friends.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I frown.

"It's nothing...I just got into a little fight with my friends." He sighs.

I wanted so badly to ask him about what his friends meant by he'd lose me, but then he'd know I was listening.
I'd have to confront him eventually, I just hope he tells me before I do.

"I'm sorry." I rub circles on Dean's back and shut my locker.

"Don't be, it's not your fault." He chuckles softly.

"I know. I just feel like I drove a wedge between you and your friends." I admit.

"Don't be silly baby boy, everything that's happening between us is their fault and theirs only." Dean smiles reassuringly, "But I need you to promise me something."

I nod, "Sure, what?"

"I need you to promise me that you'll stay away from them, I don't want them to hurt you." He stares into my eyes and I can tell there's a deep meaning behind what he's telling me.

"I mean, I'll try..." I give him an uneasy expression, "But why?"

"Just listen to me Seth. I don't want to go all overprotective on you, I know you don't like that." He says and I nod.

I decide not to ask him anymore questions about it. If he wants to tell me one day, he'll tell me.

" wanna skip the rest of school? I'm late anyways." I smile mischievously.

"You want to skip school?" Dean asks in disbelief.

"Yes I do. You in or out?" I say impatiently.

"In." He smiles and we sneak out of the school.

Dean and I decide to stop at an ice cream shop, it was pretty hot out and I was craving it.

"Wanna trade ice creams?" Dean suggests, already handing me his vanilla ice cream cone.

"Isn't that what girls do?" I tease and he smiles.

"I don't care, I just want to try your ice cream." He pouts like a little child.

I laugh at how childish he was being and grab the vanilla ice cream out of his hand. Then I give him my birthday cake ice cream.

"Mmmm, I should've gotten this." Dean moans as he licks my ice cream.

"Yeah, why did you get boring vanilla?" I stare at his ice cream in fake disgust.

"Hey! Vanilla isn't boring." He defends. "It's delicious."

"Whatever you say." I smile and continue eating.

I grab my ice cream back before he finishes it.

"I wasn't done with that." He frowns, licking his lips.

"Too bad." I chuckle and give him back his ice cream.

"So...are you going to Miz's party tomorrow?" He asks, changing the subject.

I completely forgot Miz's party was tomorrow, I wasn't very excited to go to be honest.

"Oh yeah, I think Roman said he'd drive me there." I shrug.

"You know I have a car too, right?" He smiles.

"Roman offered before we became friends." I tell him and he nods.

"But don't you want to go with me." He says with cute puppy dog eyes, I can't say no to that.

"Fine..." I sigh in defeat and he smiles widely, "I'll tell Roman I'm going with you tonight."

Dean jumps up and down excitedly, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life if you ask me.

"Speaking of Roman...he's going to be so disappointed in me when he finds out I skipped school today." I roll my eyes, already imagining Roman blowing up my phone with hundreds of text messages once he finds out I'm not there.

"I kind of wish I had a friend like that." Dean says and I laugh.

"It's not much fun, trust me."

Out of nowhere, Dean puts ice cream on my nose.

"Hey, what was that for!" I gasp.

Dean just smirks at me.

I wipe the ice cream off my face and then chase Dean around with what's left of my ice cream.

"Shit, shit, shit." Dean was fast but I was faster.

When I caught up to him, I tackled him to the floor.

I smear ice cream all over his face, making us both burst into laughter.

"I've never laughed like this in so long." Dean says in between laughs.

"Me either." My stomach hurts from laughing so much.

I finally realize I'm still on top of Dean, Dean notices too and we immediately stop laughing. It's so silent that I can hear the cars driving by, I couldn't hear them before.

Our faces are closer than ever and I suddenly find it hard to breathe.

"Seth..." Dean whispers softly as he stares into my eyes.

I immediately get off of him, my face a dark shade of red.

"I need to get home before my mother gets a voice message and finds out I'm not in school." I grab my stuff and stand up, "I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

Dean nods silently and watches me walk away.

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