Chapter Twenty-Five

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The rest of the weekend I was miserable.
I was too nervous to message Dean and he didn't even try to message me once.

I enter the school by myself, trying to avoid speaking to literally anyone. I just wasn't in the mood.

My hope is crushed when I hear Roman's voice.

"Seth, you good?" Roman walks up to me, his arms wrapped around Sasha.

"Yeah, of course I am." I force a smile, "So you guys are a thing now, huh?"

"Kinda...that's okay right?" Sasha raises her eyebrow.

"Obviously." I roll my eyes.

I knew they liked eachother from the moment they met.
I'm a bit upset that Sasha never told me about it, but she probably never had a chance, with me rambling about my issues with Dean all the time.

I walk to my locker and Sasha follows me, leaving Roman behind.

"We couldn't find you and Dean at the party, where did you two go?" Sasha smirks.

"Miz was pissing us off so we went to a quiet place to hang out." I shrug.

"A quiet place?" Sasha's smile grows wider, "What happened in this quiet place?"

"I know what you're thinking Sasha, but nothing happened." I tell her and shut my locker.

I'm about to walk away from her but she says something that stops me.

"Just like nothing happened at the party... you know, when he was dancing with you and almost kissed you."

I gasp and turn around to look at her, "How did you know about that?"

"Are you kidding, Seth? You two weren't in private y'know? I saw the whole thing, so did Roman and a bunch of other people." She says and I blush.

"He wasn't even leaning in to kiss me, he's straight remember?" I walk away again but Sasha follows me.

"Stop saying that, you don't know for sure!" She rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"This time I do know for sure. Look, I thought he was leaning in to kiss me too but he obviously wasn't." I argue.

"Really, and how do you know for sure exactly?" Sasha crosses her arms, a look of disbelief on her face.

"Because I almost kissed him yesterday and he rejected me." I blurt and Sasha's eyes widen.

I wasn't planning on telling Sasha that but it came out anyway.

"What? You almost kissed Dean?" Sasha smiles and her eyes lit up.

"There, are you happy now? Now you know what happened last night." I roll my eyes.

"Seth, just because he didn't kiss you, it doesn't mean he's straight." Sasha sighs.

"Then it means he doesn't like me that way?" I ask and I realize it hurts me to say that more than I thought it would.

Sasha frowns and she looks at me sympathetically, "I don't want to say it, but yes, it's possible."

I nod sadly and force a smile.

"Great. Now I've ruined our friendship. I'm just the idiot who likes someone who'd never like me in a million years."

"I knew you liked Dean!" Sasha practically yells and I give her a look, "I'm just took you so long to admit it.

I roll my eyes but I can't help but smile at Sasha's excitement.

"You haven't ruined your friendship Seth. You need to talk to him about it and I'm sure he'll understand." Sasha says and I agree with her for once.

"You're right, maybe if I'm honest with him we can still be friends." I say hopeful.

"Of course you can. Now go get to him before the bell rings." Sasha smiles, pushing me the opposite way.

I search for Dean and I hear a familiar voice near his locker, it sounded like Dean was speaking to someone.

I slowly walk towards the voices and I see him lean in to kiss a girl.

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